Tuesday, October 15, 2024

RO — LARRY ROMANOFF: Națiunile construite pe minciuni — Capitolul 3 — Munca si Furtul salariului



Capitolul 1 — Cuvânt înainte, prolog, introducere

Capitolul 2 — Colonizare, muncă și sclavie

Capitolul 3 — Munca si Furtul salariului

Capitolul 4 — Furtul de proprietate intelectuală și copierea

Capitolul 5 — Furtul de bunuri și infracțiunile financiare

Capitolul 6 — Spionaj și altele


Națiunile construite pe minciuni

Volumul 1

Cum au devenit SUA bogate



Capitolul a 3 a – Munca si Furtul salariului


De Larry Romanoff
Traducerea: CD


Partea a 3-a – Munca si Furtul salariului


Monday, October 14, 2024

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: Police State America — Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists



— Volume One

Chapter 1-The Rise of the Police State

Chapter 2 — The FBI


Chapter 4 — Universal Public Surveillance

Chapter 5 — Other Surveillance

Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists

Chapter 7   — Winning the Information War

Chapter 8 — Arbitrary and Unaccountable Law Enforcement

Chapter 9 — The Militarisation of the Police

Chapter 10 — Occupy Wall Street

Chapter 11 — Intimidating the Media & Subverting the Press

Chapter 12 — The Short Road: Democracy to Fascism

Chapter   13 — The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil


Police State America 

Chapter 6Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists



CN -- LARRY ROMANOFF: 警察国家美利坚 -- 第6章寻找无政府主义者,或者可能只是政治活动家 — Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists




第一章-警察国家的崛起 — CHAPTER 1-The Rise of the Police State

第二章联邦调查局 — Chapter 2 — The FBI

美国联邦调查局反情报程序 — CHAPTER 3 – COINTELPRO

第四章普遍公共监督 — Chapter 4 — Universal Public Surveillance

第五章其他监视 – Chapter 5 — Other Surveillance

第6章寻找无政府主义者,或者可能只是政治活动家 — Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists

第七章赢得信息战 —  Chapter 7   — Winning the Information War

第八章任意和不负责任的执法 — Chapter 8 — Arbitrary and Unaccountable Law Enforcement

第9章警察的军事化 — Chapter 9 — The Militarisation of the Police

第十章占领华尔街 — Chapter 10 — Occupy Wall Street

第11章恐吓媒体和颠覆媒体 — Chapter 11 — Intimidating the Media & Subverting the Press

第12章捷径:民主走向法西斯主义 — Chapter 12 — The Short Road: Democracy to Fascism

第13章下一次美国革命?预期的内乱 — Chapter   13 — The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest



第6章寻找政府主义者,或者可能只是政治活动家 — Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists


Saturday, October 12, 2024

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: Police State America — Chapter 4 — Universal Public Surveillance



Police State America — Volume One

Chapter 1-The Rise of the Police State

Chapter 2 — The FBI


Chapter 4 — Universal Public Surveillance

Chapter 5 — Other Surveillance

Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists

Chapter 7   — Winning the Information War

Chapter 8 — Arbitrary and Unaccountable Law Enforcement

Chapter 9 — The Militarisation of the Police

Chapter 10 — Occupy Wall Street

Chapter 11 — Intimidating the Media & Subverting the Press

Chapter 12 — The Short Road: Democracy to Fascism

Chapter   13 — The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil


Police State America

Chapter 4 — Universal Public Surveillance



EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: Police State America — Chapter 3 — COINTELPRO



Police State America — Volume One

Chapter 1-The Rise of the Police State

Chapter 2 — The FBI


Chapter 4 — Universal Public Surveillance

Chapter 5 — Other Surveillance

Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists

Chapter 7   — Winning the Information War

Chapter 8 — Arbitrary and Unaccountable Law Enforcement

Chapter 9 — The Militarisation of the Police

Chapter 10 — Occupy Wall Street

Chapter 11 — Intimidating the Media & Subverting the Press

Chapter 12 — The Short Road: Democracy to Fascism

Chapter   13 — The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil

Police State America


By Larry Romanoff


J. Edgar Hoover at Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C., July 24, 1967. Yoichi R.
Okamoto / Wikimedia


EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: Police State America — Chapter 2 — The FBI


Police State America — Volume One

Chapter 1-The Rise of the Police State

Chapter 2 — The FBI


Chapter 4 — Universal Public Surveillance

Chapter 5 — Other Surveillance

Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists

Chapter 7   — Winning the Information War

Chapter 8 — Arbitrary and Unaccountable Law Enforcement

Chapter 9 — The Militarisation of the Police

Chapter 10 — Occupy Wall Street

Chapter 11 — Intimidating the Media & Subverting the Press

Chapter 12 — The Short Road: Democracy to Fascism

Chapter   13 — The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil

Chapter 2 — The FBI

By Larry Romanoff


Friday, October 11, 2024

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: Police State America — Chapter 1–The Rise of the Police State


Police State America — Volume One

Chapter 1-The Rise of the Police State

Chapter 2 — The FBI


Chapter 4 — Universal Public Surveillance

Chapter 5 — Other Surveillance

Chapter 6 — Searching for Anarchists, or Maybe Just Political Activists

Chapter 7   — Winning the Information War

Chapter 8 — Arbitrary and Unaccountable Law Enforcement

Chapter 9 — The Militarisation of the Police

Chapter 10 — Occupy Wall Street

Chapter 11 — Intimidating the Media & Subverting the Press

Chapter 12 — The Short Road: Democracy to Fascism

Chapter   13 — The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil

CHAPTER 1-The Rise of the Police State

By Larry Romanoff







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What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


L.Romanoff´s interview