June 04,
first on Global Research, November 27, 2019
For Civil War?
authorities have for decades become increasingly prepared for mass civil
disturbances resulting from government and corporate attacks on American
society. We can recall that in the early 1980s the Hidden State launched its
open war on the middle class by the savage FED-induced recession and the
unilateral revocation of the social contract that had existed since 1946. At
that time, the US government had already anticipated widespread public unrest,
fully expecting mass protests and riots, and had made preparations to deal with
them in the form of internment camps. In a real sense, the government had
prepared for another civil war.
Like most
of the “Great Transformation”, it began during Reagan’s reign with what was
called “Rex 84”, an abbreviation for Readiness Exercise
1984, a plan by the US government to detain large numbers of American
citizens in case of civil unrest. This master plan involved the FBI, Department
of Defense, the Emergency Measures group, the Secret Service, the CIA and
altogether 34 government agencies.

It was
presented as an exercise to test military assistance in civil defense
in times of national emergency, but in fact the plan was anticipating
civil disturbances, major demonstrations and labor strikes that would affect
continuity of government. The anticipated civil unrest from the FED-induced
financial crisis that devastated the middle class was considered “subversive”,
REX-84 being an authorisation for the US military to implement
government-controlled movements of civilian populations at both state and
regional levels, the arrest of many segments of the American population, and
the imposition of martial law. (1) (2)
The Rex-84
program was created under the pretense of a possible mass exodus of illegal
aliens attempting to cross into the US from Mexico, but when the program
accidentally became public during the Iran-Contra Congressional hearings in
1987 it was revealed that it was in fact a secret federal government program
“to suspend
the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over
state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens
determined by the government to be ‘national security threats’.”
This was
part of a master contingency plan for which the FBI today has a primary list of
more than 100,000 Americans, and a secondary list ten times larger, who are
targeted to be rounded up as subversives, including labor leaders, scholars and
public figures, the incarceration designed to isolate political dissidents and
to contain civil unrest.
And these
are prison camps, ringed with fences, barbed wire and armed guards, not places
from which escape would be likely, and they were designed to hold Americans,
not Mexicans. (3)
There is no
question the US government is prepared for the possibility of widespread and
uncontrollable domestic disorder. This program in place and building
for years was encouraged by fears of a massive public uprising in the wake of
the 2008 banking fraud.
US Supreme
Court Justice Antonin Scalia said some years ago that
concentration camps were a likely future reality for Americans and that the
Supreme Court would not do anything about the tyranny should the executive
branch think it necessary. He mentioned the World War II internment of Japanese
in the US and said of these camps,
are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again”. (4) (5)
In 2009, as
the US financial crisis deepened and concern about public unrest was
increasing, the US National Guard was posting job opportunities for
“Internment/Resettlement Specialists” to work in “civilian internee camps”
within the United States, and Halliburton [former] subsidiary KBR was seeking
subcontractors to staff “emergency environment” camps located in five regions
of the US. Earlier, in 2006, KBR was contracted by Homeland Security to build
detention centers designed to deal with “the rapid development of unspecified
“new programs” that would require large numbers of people to be interned.” (6)
The US has
for many years been dangerously close to a situation where, if the American
people take to the streets in protest, these internments can be easily carried
out. By 2004, there were more than 800 of these internment camps in the US, all
empty, but all fully operational, staffed, and surrounded by full-time guards,
ready to receive prisoners. I have seen photos. As well, many military bases
are slated to be closed down and used as extra civilian prisons if the need
arises, all intended for the internment of dissidents and others deemed
“potentially harmful to the state”. Some camps can each hold 20,000 or more
prisoners, a massive effort at civilian population control, and the program is
still expanding. The US is very near the point today where political dissidents
questioning the actions of their government will risk being rounded up and
forced into these prison camps, essentially a government plan to forcibly
suppress political dissent under the guise of rooting out domestic “terrorism”.
The US
government defines many Americans as having become “pre-revolutionary” from
their outrage at the 2008 government-approved housing collapse, with increasing
concern that massive civil unrest would emerge from both the poverty-stricken
lower classes and the eviscerated middle class, leading to what would become an
internal civil war. This is the reason that the FBI and DHS increasingly focus
their “anti-terror” apparatus on white middle-class Americans like the Occupy
Wall Street protestors who were categorised as “low-level terrorists”.
In 2008,
the Washington Post reported government plans to station many tens of thousands
of troops inside the country for purposes referred to as “domestic security” in
the light of massive civil unrest that would follow an economic collapse or
serious financial crisis, perhaps stemming from 2008.
to the government document,
civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment
to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human
that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”. To
prepare for this quelling of resistance, the US has resorted to demonising its
own citizens, a recent study funded by DHS conveniently identifying those
Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and who exhibit
signs of being “reverent of individual liberty”, and re-categorising them as
“extreme right-wing” terrorists. (8)
(9) (10)
The program
is designed to “reduce and eliminate” all domestic resistance to the US
government. “Crowd control agents” will be used for this purpose, and
government agencies will be involved in “gathering information on dissidents”
to identify all those who have either “threatened or are creating
disturbances”. The US military produced a manual on what it termed “Civil Disturbance Operations” that
outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities
to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots and civil
unrest. Military and other law-enforcement will be tasked with “breaking up
unauthorized gatherings” and restoring order by
a show of force, establishing roadblocks, breaking up crowds, employing crowd
control agents, and other operations as required”.
The same
government manual describes how prisoners will be processed through these
internment camps, and outlines how these internees would be “re-educated” while
detained in prison camps inside their own country by their own government. A
leaked military document titled ‘FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement
Operations’, outlined a program for “re-education camps” in
the US which contained plans for “political activists” to be “pacified” by
various psychological officers into “sympathising” with the government and into
“developing an appreciation of US policies” while detained in prison camps
inside the US. The document was restricted to Department of Defense personnel
but was been leaked and posted online. It outlined policies for “processing
detainees into internment camps” and made clear these operations would be used
for domestic civilian situations. (11) (12) The full document is available
here: (13)
“Once the
detainees have been processed into the internment camp, the manual explains how
they will be “indoctrinated”, with a particular focus on coercing political
dissidents into expressing support for U.S. policies.”
Part of the
stated role of the psychological officers would be to identify political activists,
political leaders, ‘malcontents’, and other agitators, and to develop and
execute appropriate
programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes”.
their first task would be to “pacify and acclimate detainees to accept the
internment facility’s authority and regulations”.
There are
also disturbing insights into the government’s intention to use brutal force to
violently quell any civil political unrest. The manual includes a long list of
weapons meant to be used against protesting American civilians, including
anti-riot grenades. Page 20 of the manual authorises the use of “deadly force”
in confronting these peaceful political “dissidents”, the murderous intent made
disturbingly clear with the directive that “Warning shots will not be fired”
first. Northcom itself, in a September 8, 2008 Army Times article, said the
first wave of the deployment, which was put in place on October 1st at Fort
Stewart and at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, would be aimed at
tackling “civil unrest and crowd control”.
In November
of 2013, Forbes Magazine ran an article based on the AP newswire, detailing
that DHS had been assembling a massive weapons arsenal since 2011 or 2012. (14)
The AP reported that Homeland Security had been stockpiling ammunition by
buying more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in addition to a prior
purchase of 1.5 billion rounds, for a staggering total of more than three
billion rounds. This is more ammunition than the US military used collectively
in all its wars in the last decade, and represents about ten shots for every
man, woman and child in America. There were also confirmed purchases by various
government agencies, of hundreds of millions of hollow-point rounds to be
delivered to dozens of locations around the US. These bullets are so lethal
they are banned for battlefield use during wars because they mushroom and
fragment on impact, their only purpose being to cause the maximum possible
damage to internal organs. Also purchased were large numbers of magnum rounds
with the power to penetrate walls, and a frightening hundreds of millions more
rounds of specialty sniper ammunition.
Even more,
it was reported in early 2015 that DHS had placed orders for massive amounts of
other kinds of anti-civilian weaponry termed “Less Lethal Specialty Munitions”,
which were described as “an arsenal of specialized weaponry for training and
deployment against crowds”. These included flash grenades, light bursts, gas
and chemical grenades, riot rounds, rubber bullets, and much more. These are
all heavy-duty crowd control and civilian intimidation weapons. They have no
other purpose and, in the volume in which they are being purchased, it is clear
the US government is expecting some very serious civil disturbances, possibly a
revolution, and soon.
As recently
as 2018, Forbes was reporting more of the same, that these purchases have
reached an astonishing ubiquity. It isn’t only Homeland Security who is arming
to the teeth. Thousands of agents at the IRS now have tactical assault rifles
and heavy weaponry.
Forbes, October 20, 2017
The Small
Business Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs have purchased
thousands of Glock handguns. The Health Services agencies purchased millions of
dollars worth of Glock handguns – equipped with silencers. The US Geological
Survey, which is a weather bureau, purchased millions of dollars worth of
Winchester Black Shadow shotguns with large bulk ammunition orders in addition
to Glock handguns. Even the Department of Education purchased millions of
dollars worth of Glock handguns, shotguns and body armor. I am unaware of any
nation in the world where the income tax department or the departments of education
and health care require huge amounts of military-grade weapons, much less body
armor and gun silencers.
In June of
2016, RT reported that non-military federal agencies had more firepower than
the entire US Marine Corps, this including agencies like education, health and
income tax. (15) RT documented, a new report where 67 non-military federal US
agencies spent $1.50 billion purchasing guns, ammunition and military-style
equipment. The details came from the Militarization of America: non-military federal
agencies purchases of guns, ammo, and military-style equipment, published by
the non-profit good government group OpentheBooks.com. (16) (17)
In addition
to the massive purchase of ammunition, DHS was showing off its acquisition of
heavily armored and mine-resistant personnel carriers which have been seen on
streets all across America and verified with photos and video. Forbes noted
that these vehicles are equipped with gun ports and are “designed to withstand
IEDs, mine blasts and 50 caliber hits to bullet-proof glass”, and asked why
they would be necessary on American streets. The DHS also purchased large
amounts of riot gear and bullet-proof checkpoint booths, as well as a purchase
of 7000 automatic rifles, and 2700 armored vehicles, and the deployment of
drones with allowance for their use on US citizens.
The DHS is
becoming a massive domestic army to handle domestic conflict. In the words
of Ellen Brown,
in government is expecting some serious civil unrest …”
DHS chief
Janet Napolitano claimed this was to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants
into the United States that would require the “shelter and processing” of large
numbers of people, but this is nonsense. By whom will the US be attacked that
Homeland Security would be responsible for defense, and from where would arise
a mass of peaceful immigrants so large as to require more than three billion
bullets to repel them?
This is the
same government that recently shut down many of its operations including most
of the National Parks, for lack of funds, yet had sufficient money to purchase
billions of bullets for a non-existent civilian army. A spokesperson was quoted
as justifying this massive purchase to “help the government get a low price for
a big purchase”, and claimed DHS used “as many as 15 million rounds every year
in training exercises”. Someone should ask DHS to divide 3 billion by 15
million, which tells us the ammunition purchase will supply DHS needs for the
next 200 years. The authorities naturally attribute criticism and hard
questions to mentally-unbalanced ‘conspiracy theorists’, but this is one more
instance where actions appear irrational and the official story is so full of
holes that it makes no sense.
Another DHS
purchase that produced a firestorm of anger when its news went viral, was the
supply of what we might call ‘unconventional’ paper targets which were used as
practice shooting targets in ‘training exercises’. These targets consisted of
figures of American civilians in residential settings. They included small children,
a young pregnant mother, old women in robes, grandmothers and grandfathers in
their kitchens and front yards, teenagers in parks, little girls and more,
perhaps the most frightening part being that all these were termed “no
hesitation targets”, meaning to fire without hesitation at the sight of these
enemies. What could possibly justify the supply of such targets to a military
force, with such an instruction? The US fedbiz.op website took down the
solicitation after Infowars broke the story, and eventually apologized publicly
for creating these targets of small children.
In early
2014 it was reported that the US military had built a $100 million fake city of
about 300 acres in Virginia, for use in training troops for the occupation of
cities, complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway
in order to train for future combat scenarios in American urban areas. The
subway carriages even carry the same logo as those in Washington DC. More
disturbingly, it was reported that
are being taught that Christians, Tea Party supporters and anti-abortion
activists represent a radical terror threat, mirroring rhetoric backed by the
Department of Homeland Security which frames “liberty lovers” as domestic
The DHS is
also building a 176-acre secure compound in the lowest-income area of
Washington, DC, which seems almost certainly a preparation for civil war. (18)
The trigger
could be an economic collapse that causes angry Americans to flood the streets
similar to the Occupy Wall Street and other scenes witnessed across both the US
and Europe during the last FED-induced economic crisis. It is worth noting that
the Occupy Wall Street protest had the right idea but the wrong target. Wall
Street is just an idea, and a bit player. The ultimate cause is the FED, and
that should have been their focus. But the FED, the bankers and the FBI saw
this coming and infiltrated and financed the protest groups as a way to take
control and deflect them from any useful action or focus.
In the
middle of 2013 several US local media reported the DHS was conducting widely
public but still “top secret” exercises categorised as “full scale terrorism
drills” across the entire nation with the stated purpose of making citizens
“feel safe”, but which resulted in thousands of terrified people not knowing
how to respond to what appeared as a domestic invasion by the US military.
People were capriciously apprehended and released after having their belongings
searched, but nevertheless urged to celebrate their “independence” from
tyranny. These drills were presented as readiness training for potential
terrorist incursions, though DHS failed to mention the New York Times
observation that all the domestic terror plots in the United States over the last
decade were “hatched by the FBI”.
One other
worrying development was the appearance of US military C-130 cargo planes
apparently spraying mosquitoes over various Florida cities at an altitude of
less than 50 meters. Pest control is hardly a military duty, these events
immediately reminding me of the US military spraying bacterial and other
pathogens over many parts of the US in various CIA-related experiments on the
domestic population. These low-altitude overflights are almost certainly
practice runs for potential crowd control in the future, for dispensing tear
gas or other non-lethal (or lethal) material that would disperse or disorient
protestors. I cannot imagine all the possibilities, but the US military most
certainly is not going into the mosquito-spraying business. (19) (20)
US Major
General Curry was quoted as stating,
“We have
local police, backed up by each state’s National Guard, backed up by the
Department of Defense. So in addition to all these forces why does Homeland
Security need its own private army? Why do the SSA, NOAA and other government
agencies need to create their own civilian security forces armed with hollow
nose bullets?”
Some may
want to dismiss this as just another conspiracy theory, but we might recall the
words of Senator Daniel Inouye in 1987,
exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own
fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national
interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
The threats
to civil liberties go much farther and are much more ominous than I’ve related
so far. Another factor is the spate of secret Executive Orders that Obama
signed without Congressional approval, observers claiming those orders violated
existing laws and were therefore illegal but that the powers behind the White
House considered themselves above all law. One of the most sinister was
Executive Order 13603 which granted authorization to seize possession of every
possible resource, including property and “all food storage facilities”. One
author wrote that “This extremist, maniacal edict is designed to enforce our
submission, rendering us totally dependent on Big Brother government or face
the obvious – starvation and extermination.”
What could
possibly have instigated such an order, unless the government is preparing for
an all-out war against the American people? What possible excuse, during
peace-time, would a “democratic” government have, for the initiation of a
program to seize all the “food, water and food storage facilities” of a nation?
If we add these to the internment camps and the bullets, what conclusions are
ominous threat is that much of the NSA’s illegal intelligence-gathering
activities were transferred to the Department of Homeland Security, the same
people with the 800 internment camps and the 3 billion bullets. The apparent
reason is that the NSA can collect information on domestic political dissidents
but has no police powers to act on them, whereas DHS has legislative authority
to gather, arrest and incarcerate anyone on their watch lists. DHS is
apparently creating a “graded list” of these targeted so-called “security
threats”, with those at the top of this list assessed according to how widely
disseminated are their anti-establishment views, the followers they appear to
have, and these will be the first to disappear into the internment maze. This
new policy gives Homeland Security full authority to effectively terrorise the
American people under a pretense of controlling domestic terrorism. When we
consider these two items, Executive Order 13603 and the new powers granted to
DHS, the only possible response can be fear.
If all this
isn’t enough, DHS was revealed to have a secret procedure for the instant
shutting down of all private communications in America, including mobile phone
networks, a program accidentally revealed when government officials in San
Francisco disabled all mobile phone calls during a peaceful protest against yet
another man shot dead by the police. The administration insisted it had the
legal authority to control these communications “during times of national
crisis”, “for the purpose of ensuring public safety”, but it has also given DHS
the power to actually “seize” all privately-owned communications facilities in
order to prevent any civilian communications occurring. Some individuals
applied to the courts for further information on these new procedures and
policies, but DHS claimed it was “unable to locate or identify any records” in
relation to the matter. Nothing more to be said, but it’s difficult to avoid
the conclusion that the US government is quickly becoming fully prepared for
war against its civilian population.
With the
NSA revelations by Edward Snowdon, there is no longer any question that many US
government agencies have been monitoring and gathering information on large
numbers of known American political dissidents, these agencies including the
NSA, FBI, CIA, DHS, various military groups and another 70 or 80 so-called
“public-private fusion centers” scattered around the US. Former NSA Technical
Director William Binney claimed in an interview that the NSA had a list of
500,000 to one million people in the US who were closely watched and whose
every communication and bit of personal data were recorded. These are not
terrorists in any sense, but potential leaders of political dissension and
therefore potential suspects in the event of civil disturbances.
There also
exists a database known as “Main Core”, containing names of Americans who might
be considered troublesome, and which knowledgeable sources claim contains the
names and communication information of more than eight million Americans who
would be potential suspects of political activism, which would include
“national opposition to US military invasion abroad”. It includes political
dissidents, environmental and other activists, political and tax protesters,
lawyers and professors, publishers and journalists, and many more who are most
likely harmless, average people.
database apparently contains all to and from email addresses, all email
content, all in and out phone numbers plus duration of calls, the amounts and
locations of ATM withdrawals, all credit card purchases and much more. It
appears that this dissident surveillance program dates back to the early 1980s,
the time of our Great Transformation, when it was revealed that Oliver North,
operating from a secure White House site, had been using a database called
PROMIS which was part of the REX-84 plan, to track dissidents and potential
troublemakers within the United States. This database was meant to identify and
immediately locate perceived “enemies of the state” if mass civil disturbances
were to break out. (21) (22)
Middle-Class Revolt
In late
2008 a leaked internal memo from Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief
technical strategist, contained ominous predictions for American civil society
after the vicious financial crisis. He wrote,
“The world
is not going back to normal ‘after the magnitude of what they have done'”.
claimed that the massive destruction of the middle class, the draining of all
the wealth from the population, and the QE money creation by the FED would
either bring about a resurgence of inflation or that the US would fall into
“depression, civil disorder and possibly war”. He claimed that with the passing
of each week and month there was a growing danger that could lead to political
instability, a risk of domestic unrest because people were becoming
increasingly disenfranchised and impoverished.
Lest we
succumb to the temptation of accepting the 2008 financial crisis and the resulting
loss of homes as an accident of fate, it would be wise to consider these quotes
by Montagu Norman, Governor of The Bank of England prior to the crash of 1929,
addressing the United States Bankers’ Association, New York, Idaho Leader, 26
August 1924.
must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and legislation.
Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When,
through process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become
more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the government
applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are
well known among our principal men, who are now engaged in forming an
imperialism to govern the world.”
And his
thoughts on democracy:
dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to
expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance.” “It is thus,
by discrete action, we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well
planned and so successfully accomplished.”
The US
government has developed an increasing fear of its own middle class, wide awake
to the protests and uprisings in other nations where governments have colluded
with the international bankers and large multi-nationals to gut their middle
classes and effect the same transfer of wealth to the top 1% as occurred in
America. People in many Western societies have become disgruntled and bitter at
the increasing evidence that their vaunted democracies have been usurped by the
unrestrained capitalists, creating intolerable situations where the people are
sacrificed for the increasing wealth of that same top 1%.
At first,
the US government exhibited a grim and rather reprehensible kind of
satisfaction at watching the misery in other nations where the FED and IMF and
the International Bankers had succeeded in their aims of wealth transference,
but it also realised that the same boiling rage existed in America and perhaps
much less controllable.
US citizens
were protesting against a government that was no longer democratic in any
sense, and was both unwilling and unable to repair a hopelessly corrupt and
inefficient system. They finally awoke en masse and objected to ingrained
corruption, shoddy public services, high taxes, homelessness, unemployment,
rising inflation, the development of a police state, and more. It is public
rage at the realisation of having been betrayed by a “democratic” government
that converts civil unrest into political activism and revolution, and it is
this that lies at the heart of the FBI’s categorisation of US political dissent
as “domestic terrorism”. This terminology is important because the US, in all
its hypocrisy for democracy, free speech and freedom of assembly, cannot face
the world with open and apparent suppression of political dissent. Therefore,
US citizens protesting against their own government cannot be exercising free
speech but rather anarchy and terrorism, thereby justifying the use of deadly
force to control dissension. The powers that control America have no interest
in fairy-tales of freedom. They are interested in wealth and control, and the
people in any country are irrelevant – including those in the US.
have experienced first-hand the destruction of their quality of life; they see
clearly the disappearance of future opportunity for their children, and they
recognise better than most the loss of their freedom of expression which they
have so valued. And they know it is precisely the retraction of that expression
that is necessary for their no-longer-democratic government to maintain
control. This is where their economic and social dissatisfactions
mutate into political activism – revolution, in fact – and it is this
realisation among the authorities that has spawned the internship camps, the
billions of bullets purchased, and the “shoot to kill” orders.
– The Struggle for Class Power
Buried in
the litany of troubles the US is facing today is the primary fact that the
nation is engaged in a brutal class war, a struggle for class power that the
bottom 99% are losing. This war was declared in the late 1970s, gained great
momentum in the 1980s and 1990s, and is still accelerating toward its final
desperate conclusion. There are few signs on the horizon that cause hope for a
change in direction, and I fear it may be too late.
There is
still power with the people themselves, and indeed without the both active cooperation
and silent complicity of the people, none of the pathological descent into
despair would have been possible. Probably the only force in America that can
change what is happening is the combined force of labor. This isn’t so easy
today, since the government killed most labor organisations and there is now
little if any leadership. A total withdrawal of labor succeeded in forcing a
new social contract in 1946 and may be the only power remaining today, but
times have changed and tactics must change too. If all unions withdrew their
services with the full cooperation of unorganised labor, change might be
realistically, there is no hope that such a mass protest could be organised
even though it is the only possible way to get the attention of whatever
remains of a conscientious government and force through a reversal of the tide.
In any case, taking to the streets is unlikely to produce pleasant results. If
the police don’t have enough bodies to beat up and arrest everyone, DHS has its
internment camps, its 3 billion bullets, its years of practice with
“no-hesitation” human targets, and it will use all of them.
The only
safe way for Americans to go on strike today is to stay at home. On this topic,
one internet commenter wrote,
“Just don’t
go to work. There is no need to picket in the streets to be on strike, and the
factories and offices will be just as quiet and empty, and the profits just as
non-existent. The police cannot possibly conduct home-by-home visits to beat up
strikers one by one, and no military, even the DHS, is efficient when trying to
blow up houses scattered all over the county, one by one. Strikers are probably
safe if they stay at home and lock their door.”
tactic is for Americans to simply quit shopping. They don’t have the money
anyway, and don’t need all that useless junk. Don’t buy anything you don’t
actually need, and delay even those purchases as long as possible, especially
the big-ticket items like cars and furniture. If at all possible, delay every
purchase for at least one year. As much as is practicable, stop driving your
car. Cancel your cable TV and read a book.” Your grandmother gave you advice
100 years ago that is still valid today: “Use it up, wear it out. Make it do.
Do without.”
A third
commenter gave this advice:
“One thing
you can do to get their attention is to stop paying your bills. VISA and
MasterCard can’t cancel 800 million credit cards at the same time, and no bank
can process 100 million mortgage defaults. No system can cope with massive
non-payment of debt. You are their only source of money and you can ensure they
don’t get any of it. That will wake them up. Tell them you’ll begin paying when
the overseas corporate tax holiday is over, when high income taxes are reinstated
for the rich, when the individual bankers are in prison and when the lost jobs
begin returning. This isn’t foolproof, but it’s the best I can do.”
finally, a more ambitious poster offered these comments:
“Today, the
US State Department, the CIA and the FBI pride themselves on their ability to
use Twitter and Facebook to cause civil unrest, chaos, violence, and even
revolutions, in other countries. It may not have occurred to them that the same
tools they use against everyone else can be just as easily used against them.
The CIA used Gene Sharp and his Einstein Institute to prepare the Otpor civil
disobedience manuals that our government used as the gunpowder to destroy
Jugoslavia, and as the template for a dozen other “color revolutions” of which
it was so proud. Copies are freely available on the internet.”
Blum again:
“As I’ve
said before: Inasmuch as I can’t see violent revolution succeeding in the
United States (something deep inside tells me that we couldn’t quite match the
government’s firepower, not to mention its viciousness), I can offer no
solution to stopping the imperial beast other than this: Educate yourself and
as many others as you can, raising their political and ideological
consciousness, providing them with the factual ammunition and arguments needed
to sway others, increasing the number of those in the opposition until it
raises the political price for those in power, until it reaches a critical
mass, at which point … I can’t predict the form the explosion will take or what
might be the trigger … But you have to have faith. And courage.”
This is an amended list of actions Americans must take
if they want to bring their country into the community of nations as a
civilised member instead of its present status as a genocidal bully, and to
begin healing the nation itself. It is compiled from my own notes with the
inclusion of excerpts from a speech made by Chris Hedges at Northeastern University. (23)
Discard the
existing two-party political system as diseased and useless, and form one new
party with a totally new slate of legislators not formerly involved in
government. Their first tasks would be to:
1. Arrest
all war criminals on American soil. Begin with both Bushes, Cheney and
Rumsfeld, Powell and Rice, both Clintons, Kissinger, Albright, and a long list
of other White House and Congressional staff, on charges of treason, war crimes
and crimes against humanity.
2. Disband
the Federal Reserve Banking System and repudiate all outstanding debt to the
FED. The government would, according to the law and constitution, issue its own
currency from this point forward.
3. Force
the break-up of all the big banks and eliminate interstate banking. Nationalise
the so-called investment banks like Goldman Sachs, confiscate their assets and
shut them all down. Reintroduce banking sector regulations as was done after
the 1930s, to ensure a catastrophe cannot recur, with violations punished by
mandatory prison sentences. Outlaw program stock trading by the banks. Force
the banks to revert to simple banking functions to serve the economy.
4. Disband
the CIA and all its clandestine projects by cutting off all funding. Confiscate
all CIA records, files, computers, data, and make the details public.
Emasculate the FBI and all its executives and officers. Arrest the planners and
perpetrators of all false-flag ops. Kill the NSA. Immediately cease all
domestic espionage on US citizens. Cut off all funding, seize all bank accounts
and confiscate all records and documents. Bomb the Arizona data storage
facility to rubble. Kill the Department of Homeland Security and dismantle and
close all internment camps within the continental US.
5. Disband the
NED, USAID, the VOA and the 100+ other subversive NGOs that are used today to
destabilise the governments and societies of other nations. Recall all CIA
espionage agents from foreign embassies and consulates, who constitute about
80% of all US foreign “diplomatic” staff. Designate all Foundations and Think
Tanks as enemy aliens, and shut them down.
6. Reduce
the military budget by 85% and close all foreign military bases. Bring home all
foreign-based military personnel and give them jobs guarding the bankers.
7. Totally
eliminate the private sector from infrastructure and social services and
confine it to commerce where it belongs. Roll back deregulation and
privatisation, reclaiming all public infrastructure to be operated by the
government for the common good. Especially kill the despicable private prison
system, and free the more than one million who should never have been in prison
at all. Kill the movements to debtor’s prisons and civil forfeiture before they
gain any more momentum, and pass harsh legislation that holds policemen
individually responsible for their crimes.
8. Begin
immediate construction of a system of publicly-owned and operated hospitals and
medical clinics, and guarantee that all citizens have access to free or
easily-affordable health care. Eliminate all insurance companies from the
health-care process. Restore funding for universal education.
9. Make all
lobbying illegal, with automatic prison sentences for influence-peddling.
Designate lobby groups like AIPAC as criminal organisations and hostile enemy
aliens, and treat them accordingly. Kill the SuperPacs and corporate donations.
Eliminate all corporate contributions to election campaigns, and limit
individual contributions to $1,000 maximum. Break the corrupt Zionist control
of Congress, Wall Street, the media, the World Bank and the IMF. Terminate
their globalism and any reference to a New World Order. Eliminate immediately
all funding and financial support for Israel.
Eliminate legal immunity for the elites. Make illegal the payment of corporate
fines for personal crimes. Put the people in prison. Levy an 85% income
tax on all corporate profits being held outside the country by US-based
multinationals. Reinstate the taxes on the rich and very rich. Eliminate
personal tax breaks on capital gains and institute an 85% tax on all income
over $500,000 per year.
11. The
media monopoly must be broken by forcing de-centralisation and pushing the
ownership once again into thousands of individual companies owned by totally
unrelated parties. The current control of the media must be dismantled because
of the Zionists’ propaganda and the Hidden State’s political agenda. Force the
disintegration of all media holding groups and wide dispersion of all media,
restricting ownership to only one newspaper or TV station per market. Outlaw
opinion-based journalism and make untruthful news reports punishable by public
Eliminate GM food, or at least legislate full disclosure on food labels.
Eliminate factory farms; institute extensive monitoring and harsh penalties for
food chemical violations.
13. Use the
money collected from the rich, the bankers and the FED to begin repairing
America’s dilapidated infrastructure before any more dams and bridges collapse.
14. Close
all the torture prisons. Close Guantanamo, Diego Garcia, Abu Ghraib, and the
other torture prisons and demand an accounting of all prison ships and their
human cargo. Close the School of the Americas and destroy all the torture
Emasculate the US President, the Presidency, and the White House, and return
all power to Congress because it is the concentration of power in the office of
the President that has permitted the total alien control of all vital parts of
the US government.
Eliminate all US-sponsored sanctions against other nations, especially China,
Russia, Syria and Iran. End the illegal occupation of Hawaii, Puerto Rico,
Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Get out of the Ukraine. Dismantle immediately all
organised interference in the internal affairs and elections of other nations.
Refund the $100 billion of Iraqi gold and cash seized, and the similar amount
from Libya.
Note to
Readers: Please forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your
blog site, internet forums. etc.
Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He
has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and
owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor
at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international
affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently
writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can
be contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com. He is a frequent contributor to Global
original source of this article is Global Research