Friday, August 7, 2020

EN -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- The Anger Campaign Against China -- August 6, 2020

Pompeo in Israel on a mission to counter China - Asia Times


The Anger Campaign Against China




It shouldn’t be a secret, though it still seems to be, that neither of the two World Wars were started (or desired) by Germany, but were the creation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] However, that thesis is not the purpose of this essay and I will not expand on it here, but the content should prove to the average reader that World War I certainly fits this description. The main purpose of this essay is to demonstrate not only that ‘history repeats itself’ but that the history being repeated today is a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (but most especially Americans) in preparation for World War III – which I believe is now imminent.

In 1940, these European Zionist and media owners (hiding behind the stage-set of the UK government) initiated what they called an “anger campaign” with the stated cause of “instilling personal hatred against the German people and Germany”, the related parties pleased that the original 6% of the British population that ‘hated Germany’ increased to over 50% by the end of the campaign, and it didn’t stop there. The radio waves were full of descriptions of the “cruelty and blackness of the German soul”.[8] There were articles in the British newspapers advocating the “systematic extermination of the entire German nation” to be carried out after the war ended. Thus, after victory over Germany, every person of German extraction was to be executed and the nation of Germany itself to disappear forever. Those executions were actually begun – Eisenhower’s Death Camps, followed by the Morgenthau Plan, both of which eventually failed. The methods of “instilling personal hatred” of Germany was perhaps too successful. The anti-German hysteria became so severe that King George V had to change his German name of ‘Saxe-Coburg’ to ‘Windsor’, and relinquish all his German titles.

It wasn’t only the US and UK where this hatred of Germans was being propagated. In countries all around the world, the media spread the same message of hatred against Germany and the Germans. Teams of ‘specialists’ were following the same script in most other nations, all instilling massive hatred for the Germans who were in every nation vehemently portrayed as evil incarnate, this nature stemming merely from the fact of their being of German origin. In Brazil, anti-German demonstrations and riots consumed the country, with German businesses being destroyed and Germans being assaulted and killed. In almost every nation, the German-language press and use of the German language completely disappeared during the war from fear of reprisal, as did all German schools and most businesses. None re-opened. Brazil initially was determined to remain neutral, but a newly-created university student union was co-opted and used with such great effectiveness that within a year Brazil declared war on Germany.[9] In Brazil, the US, Canada and Australia, many names of towns, streets, foods, were changed to eliminate their German origin.

Throughout the world, as in the US, false wartime propaganda was used during both World Wars to incite entire populations into an irrational hatred of everything German, even to the extent of powerful media recommendations that the entire German race be exterminated – in all nations. With all of this and much more, America was a hotbed of hatred for the entire German population. After the Second World War, Germany was widely accused of using propaganda against the Jews, while our history books have airbrushed out the massive and unspeakably evil storm of worldwide hate propaganda against Germans by the Jews prior to and during both World Wars. Details below.

The Origins of Mass Manipulation of the Public Mind

Many years ago, the Jewish-American political commentator Walter Lippmann realised that political ideology could be completely fabricated, using the media to control both presentation and conceptualisation, not only to create deeply-ingrained false beliefs in a population, but also to entirely erase undesirable political ideas from the public mind. This was the beginning of not only the American hysteria for freedom, democracy and patriotism, but of all manufactured political opinion, a process that has been operative ever since. Lippmann created these theories of mass persuasion of the public, using totally fabricated “facts” deeply insinuated into the minds of a gullible public, but there is much more to this story. An Austrian Jew named Edward Louis Bernays who was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, was one of Lippmann’s most precocious students and it was he who put Lippmann’s theories into practice. Bernays is widely known in America as the father of Public Relations, but he would be much more accurately described as the father of American war marketing as well as the father of mass manipulation of the public mind.

Bernays claimed “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind” it will be possible “to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it”. He called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the ‘engineering of consent’, and to accomplish it he merged theories of crowd psychology with the psychoanalytical ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud.[10][11]Bernays regarded society as irrational and dangerous, with a “herd instinct”, and that if the multi-party electoral system (which evidence indicates was created by a group of European elites as a population control mechanism) were to survive and continue to serve those elites, massive manipulation of the public mind was necessary. These elites, “invisible people”, would have, through their influence on government and their control of the media, a monopoly on the power to shape thoughts, values, and responses of the citizenry. His conviction was that this group should flood the public with misinformation and emotionally-loaded propaganda to “engineer” the acquiescence of the masses and thereby rule over them. According to Bernays, this manufactured consent of the masses, creating conformity of opinion molded by the tool of false propaganda, would be vital for the survival of “democracy”. Bernays wrote:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. People are governed, their minds molded, their tastes formed, their ideas suggested, largely by men they have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner . In almost every act of our daily lives we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” [12]

In his main work titled ‘Propaganda’,[13] which he wrote in 1928, Bernays argued that the manipulation of public opinion was a necessary part of democracy because individuals were inherently dangerous (to the control and looting of the elites) but could be harnessed and channeled by these same elites for their economic benefit. He clearly believed that virtually total control of a population was possible, and perhaps easy to accomplish. He wrote further that:

“No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any … wise idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by … those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and clichés and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders. Fortunately, the … politician is able, by the instrument of propaganda, to mold and form the will of the people. So vast are the numbers of minds which can be regimented, and so tenacious are they when regimented, that [they produce] an irresistible pressure before which legislators, editors, and teachers are helpless.

And it wasn’t only the public masses that were ‘inherently dangerous’, but a nation’s leaders fit this description as well, therefore also requiring manipulation and control. Bernays realised that if you can influence the leaders of a nation, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you can control the government and the country, and that is precisely where he set his sights. Bernays again:

“In some departments of our daily life, in which we imagine ourselves free agents, we are ruled by dictators exercising great power. There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes. Nor, what is still more important, the extent to which our thoughts and habits are modified by authorities. The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses.”

And in this case, the “few” are the wealthy industrial elites, their even wealthier banker friends, and their brethren who control the media, publishing and entertainment industries.

Until the First World War, these theories of creating an entirely false public opinion based on misinformation, then manipulating this for population control, were still only theories, but the astounding success of propaganda by Bernays and his group during the war laid bare the possibilities of perpetually controlling the public mind on all matters. The “shrewd” designers of Bernays’ “invisible government” developed a standard technique for what was essentially propaganda and mind control, or at least opinion control, and infiltrated it throughout the US government, its departments and agencies, and its leaders and politicians. Coincident with this, they practiced infecting the leaders of every identifiable group – fraternal, religious, commercial, patriotic, social – and encouraging these men to likewise infect their supporters.

Many have noted the black and white mentality that pervades America. Much of the blame must be laid on Bernays’ propaganda methods. Bernays himself asserted that propaganda could produce rapid and strong emotional responses in the public, but that the range of these responses was limited because the emotional loading inherent in his propaganda would create a kind of binary mentality, eventually forcing the population into a programmed black and white world – which is precisely what we see in the US today. This isn’t difficult to understand. When Bernays flooded the public with fabricated tales of Germans shiskababbing babies, the range of potential responses was entirely emotional and would be limited to either abhorrence or perhaps a blocking of the information. In a sense, our emotional switch will be forced into either an ‘on’ or ‘off’ position, with no other reasonable choices.

The elite few, as Bernays called them, realised early on the potential for control of governments, and in every subsequent US administration the president and his White House staff, the politicians, the leaders of the military and intelligence agencies, all fell prey to this same disease of shrewd manipulation. Roosevelt’s “intense desire for war” in 1939[14][15][16] was the result of this same infection process and, once infected, he of course approved of the infection of the entire American population. Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. [17] [18]

Bernays – Marketing War

In the discovery of propaganda as a tool of public mind control and in its use for war marketing, it is worthwhile to take a quick look at the historical background of Bernays’ war effort. At the time, the European Zionist Jews had made an agreement with England to bring the US into the war against Germany, on the side of England, a favor for which England would grant the Jews the possession of Palestine as a location for a new homeland.[19] Palestine did not ‘belong’ to England, it was not England’s to give, and England had no legal or moral right to make such an agreement, but it was made nevertheless.

US President Wilson was desperate to fulfill his obligations to his handlers by putting the US into the First World War as they wished, but the American population had no interest in the European war and public sentiment was entirely against participating. To facilitate the desired result, Wilson created the Committee on Public Information (The Creel Commission),[20] to propagandise the war by the mass brainwashing of America, but Creel was merely the ‘front’ of a group that consisted of specially hand-picked men from the media, advertising, the movie industry, and academia, as well as specialists in psychology. The two most important members were Walter Lippman, whom Wilson described as “the most brilliant man of his age”, and Bernays who was the group’s top mind-control expert, both Jews and both aware of the stakes in this game. Bernays planned to combine his uncle Freud’s psychiatric insights with mass psychology blended with modern advertising techniques, and apply them to the task of mass mind control. It was Bernays’ vast propaganda schemes and his influence in promoting the patently false idea that US entry to the war was primarily aimed at “bringing democracy to all of Europe”, that proved so successful in altering public opinion about the war. Thanks to Edward Bernays, American war marketing was born and would never die.

Note to Readers: Some portion of the immediately following content which details the specifics of the propaganda of Lippman and Bernays for World War I is not my own work. It was extracted some years ago from a longer document for which I cannot now locate the original source. If a reader is able to identify this source, I would be grateful to receive that information so I can properly credit the author for his extensive research.

“Wilson’s creation of the CPI was a turning point in world history, the first truly scientific attempt to form, manipulate and control the perceptions and beliefs of an entire population.” With Wilson’s authority, these men were given almost unlimited scope to work their magic, and in order to ensure the success of their program and guarantee the eventual possession of Palestine, these men and their committee carried out “a program of psychological warfare against the American people on a scale unprecedented in human history and with a degree of success that most propagandists could only dream about”.

Having received permission and broad authority from the US President and the White House to “lead the public mind into war”[21] and, with their success threatened by widespread anti-war sentiment among the public, these men determined to engineer what Lippman called “the manufacture of consent”. The committee assumed the task to “examine the different ways that information flowed to the population and to flood these channels with pro-war material”. Their effort was unparalleled in its scale and sophistication, since the Committee had the power not only to officially censor news and withhold information from the public, but to manufacture false news and distribute it nationally through all channels. In a very short time, Lippman and Bernays were well enough organised to begin flooding the US with anti-German propaganda consisting of hate literature, movies, songs, media articles and much more.

According to Bernays, the key was to dehumanise and demonise the German people by filling American minds with fabricated tales of horror. The compliant media, largely Jewish-owned, obediently carried fake stories of poisoned candy being dropped from airplanes, German soldiers skewering babies like shish kebabs, the raping of nuns, and so much more. Eventually, the stories were accepted as true and the public’s natural resistance to war was overcome. “They [Bernays and his group] practiced revealing fabricated stories of atrocities, false accusations of terror and brutality against any nation or people they wanted the public mind to view as “the enemy”, then tested and evaluated public reactions to their manipulations of this false propaganda.”

In his 1922 book Public Opinion,[22][23] Lippman wrote, “The only feeling that anyone can have about an event he does not experience is the feeling aroused by his mental image of that event … For it is clear enough that under certain conditions men respond as powerfully to fictions as they do to realities.” And it was this psychological manipulation that these men employed to turn an entire nation of peaceful Americans into rabid war-mongers. The historical record of this years-long tapestry of lies and hate has been quite well buried, and the White House, Congress and the Committee conspired after the war to destroy most of the evidence of their crimes, but I believe both America and the Jews will one day need to openly acknowledge this chapter of history.

Because of Bernays, atrocity propaganda – the deliberate spreading of fabricated evils and inhuman war crimes – became the foundation of the Committee’s efforts. Harold Lasswell wrote,

“So great are the psychological resistances to war in modern nations that every war must appear to be a war of defense against a menacing, murderous aggressor. There must be no ambiguity about who the public is to hate … if at first they do not enrage, use an atrocity. It has been employed with unvarying success in every conflict known to man.”[24]

Of course, the causes and aims of the propaganda were far more evil than anything the supposed ‘enemy’ had contemplated, but the goal was to not only invent an enemy but to make that enemy “appear savage, barbaric, and inhumane”, and thus worthy of destruction. Usually, the compliant media repeat and embellish the stories without attempt at confirmation and, in virtually every instance, later attempts to confirm the atrocity tales prove fruitless with researchers able to uncover no evidence whatever of the events, the Bryce Report being typical, the entire catalogue of “authoritative documentation of German atrocities” suddenly disappearing without a trace when time came to confirm them.[25][26][27]

Lippman and Bernays divided their Committee into nineteen ‘divisions’, each responsible for a different type of propaganda, and each utilising the abilities of vast numbers of psychologists, advertising experts and media personnel. The intention was to flood every means of communication with the goal of inciting hatred of everything German and to promote American entry into the war as the only option for patriotic Americans. Their new Committee produced tens of thousands of articles filled with anti-German hate propaganda and literally stuffed every part of US print media with them . In an average week more than 20,000 newspaper columns carried entirely false propaganda articles produced by the Committee, promoting hatred of Germany and Germans, describing atrocities that had never occurred and painting Germans as vicious and inhuman monsters. The Committee enforced a powerful self-censorship in the American media by implementing “voluntary guidelines” meant to suppress contradictory content.

They created a ‘Syndicated Features’ Division employing popular writers to produce essays containing “official” propaganda, and which reached 10 to 15 million people each month. Another division was responsible for the cartoon sections of newspapers and other media, with the stated intention to “mobilize and direct the scattered cartoon power of the country for constructive war work”. They employed thousands of cartoonists who “achieved new heights in hate-mongering”,picturing the Germans as primitive and evil animals who stole, killed or raped everything they encountered.[28]

They created a similar Division for cinema that resulted in the production of dozens of outrageous and virulently anti-German movies, hate films containing completely fictional tales of atrocities and bestialities committed by the Germans. This was the source of the movie scenes where Germans (and Japanese) machine-gunned brave American pilots while parachuting to the ground. None of these tales were ever true; these and many more were total fabrications.

Then, as now, the motion picture industry in the US was mostly controlled by Jews, who were eager to assist. One Jewish editorial stated that “every individual at work in this industry wants to do his share” and that “through slides, film leaders and trailers, posters and newspaper publicity they will spread that propaganda so necessary to the immediate mobilization of the country’s great resources”. In addition to movies produced by the film studios, the CPI created its own Film Division which produced 60 or 70 “official” films that were viewed by many tens of millions of people each week. They created an Advertising Division to influence general commercial advertising, and which inserted anti-German war propaganda into advertising in newspapers and magazines which often gave them free space, with almost every major US publication carrying a large quota of these ads. They also produced and distributed many thousands of ‘official’ press releases, virtually functioning as the information arm of the US government and were in fact the major provider of war news to the nation. They enlisted the aid of most of America’s Christian religions that were more than eager to cooperate in warmongering as they had always done.

Lippmann and Bernays organised the “Four Minute Men”, with 75,000 volunteers delivering nearly 8 million prepared brief speeches on German atrocities in schools, movie theaters, churches, synagogues, union halls, anywhere and everywhere. Bernays claimed they delivered nearly 8 million speeches to about 315 million people. A huge amount of this was conducted by Jews.  See the extensive note[29]

They created a ‘Division of Work With The Foreign Born’ to reach all immigrants in the country in their own languages, and used members of these communities to propagandise their own people, and especially targeted all military-age foreigners who might be conscripted in a war. Lippman and Bernays wrote:

“It is a matter of pride to the Committee on Public Information, as it should be to America, that the directors of English, French, and Italian propaganda were a unit in agreeing that our literature was remarkable above all others for its brilliant and concentrated effectiveness”.

They used farmers to appeal to farmers and businessmen to appeal to businessmen. In total, their speakers gave more than 7 million speeches to more than 300 million Americans, all provoking hatred of Germany and Germans, and urging war. After many of these emotional travesties, people from the audience would gather into mobs that would attack and destroy German homes and businesses in their city.

The Committee particularly targeted women, establishing a major women’s Division to counter female resistance, from fear that women “might constitute a subversive element in the nation, detrimental to wartime unity and the smooth functioning of [mandatory military conscription]”. Through their close media contacts, they controlled the cover and much of the content of many women’s magazines, which they used to encourage women to send their sons to war, claiming he would return as “a man” instead of as a corpse.

They created a music division and hired thousands of songwriters to create songs with anti-German lyrics, then again milked their media contacts to have these played constantly on the nation’s radio stations. Another division was responsible for public library content, tasked with the removal of all German books, including the works of famous German authors and philosophers. Everything favorably German was censored, removed from public accessibility, or destroyed.

Perhaps the division most indicative of the moral bankruptcy of these men was their work with public school children. They heavily utilised psychologists in programs to spread hatred of Germany throughout America’s public school system where small children were taught the full gamut of Bernays’ hateful propaganda, then used as travelling salesmen to visit other schools and spread the propaganda to their classmates, instilling totally fabricated tales of German atrocities into the minds of all small children. After these inflamed propaganda sessions, many American children demonstrated their “patriotism” by attacking German-Americans in groups and stoning them, sometimes being congratulated by local newspapers for “doing their duty”. Bernays’ group published many thousands of children’s books and comics containing the most vile and hateful propaganda lies. Sunday School children were given coloring books depicting and encouraging violence against Germans. Libraries sponsored anti-German childrens’ ‘story hours’ that used hate propaganda supplied by Bernays.

Bernays’ Public literature attacked everything German in America, including schools and churches. In many schools the German language was forbidden to be taught to “pure Americans”, and administrators were urged to fire “all disloyal teachers”, meaning any Germans. The names of countless towns and cities were changed to eliminate their German origin: Berlin, Iowa became Lincoln, Iowa. German foods and food names were purged from restaurants; sauerkraut became ‘liberty cabbage’; dachshunds became ‘liberty dogs’ and German Shepherds became ‘Alsatians’. All American orchestras were ordered to eliminate from their performances any music by classic German composers like Beethoven, Bach and Mozart. In some states, the use of the German language was prohibited in public and on the telephone. German professors were fired from their universities, German-language or German-owned local newspapers were denied advertising revenue, constantly harassed, and often forced out of business. The ‘patriotic’ Boy Scouts of America contributed to the effort by regularly burning bundles of German newspapers that were on sale, and Germans were regularly insulted and spat upon by other citizens.

Bernays instituted a program of questioning the patriotism and loyalty of all Germans in America, labeling any with anti-war views as prima facie evidence of treason. Germans were forced to gather in public meetings and denounce Germany and its leaders. They were forced to purchase war bonds and publicly declare their allegiance to the US flag. As Bernays’ rhetoric reached dangerous levels, the anti-German hysteria and violence increased proportionately. Many Germans were forcibly removed from their homes, often torn from their beds during the night, taken out into the street and stripped naked, beaten and whipped, then forced to kneel and kiss the American flag. Many were tarred and feathered, then forced to leave their cities or towns. Some were lynched from trees. Priests and pastors were dragged out of their churches and beaten for giving sermons in German.

The anti-German hysteria had people seeing spies everywhere, with House and Bernays greatly inflaming this trend by preparing Wilson’s infamous “Flag Day” speech where he claimed “The military masters of Germany have filled our unsuspecting communities with vicious spies and conspirators and have sought to corrupt the opinion of our people”. Newspaper editors were screaming that all Germans were spies who were poisoning American water supplies or infecting medical shipments to hospitals, and that most “ought to be taken out at sunrise and shot for treason”. Congressmen recommended hanging or otherwise executing all Germans in America, State Governors urging the use of firing squads to eliminate “the disloyal element” from the entire state. The US Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels stated that Americans would “put the fear of God into the hearts” of these people. Most Americans are aware that during the [again Bernays-induced] national hysteria during the Second World War the US government forced more than 100,000 US-born Japanese into concentration camps, but history has deleted the fact that many more Germans were interned in concentration camps in the US prior to and during the First War, and again during the Second World War, after which all their assets were seized.[30]

While Bernays was “making the world safe for democracy”, that safety was not meant for Americans. Under the coaching of Col. E. M. House who was Wilson’s Jewish handler, Wilson passed oppressive legislation including the Espionage Act and Sedition Act that were entirely fascist in content and which made illegal anything that might hinder American entry into the war.[31][32] Freedom of speech and assembly, and press freedom virtually disappeared from America during this time, it eventually becoming illegal to say or write anything critical of the US government, its officials and even its “symbols”. Any expression of objection to American entrance into the war would result in a fine of $10,000 (ten years’ average wages at the time) or 20 years in prison, with much of the policing power given to what were in effect private vigilante groups like the infamous American Protective League that operated virtually without oversight. The suppression of public opinion and of dissent, and the control exercised on anti-war communication was universal. The Espionage Act stated “Every letter, writing, circular, postal card, picture, print, engraving, photograph, newspaper, pamphlet, book, or other publication, matter or thing of any kind containing any matter which is intended to obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States is hereby declared to be non-mailable.”

Nothing was permitted that might prevent the successful recruitment of American soldiers for a war that only the Jews wanted. With all of this and much more, Bernays and Lippman turned America into a hotbed of hatred for the entire German population, accomplishing the goal of the Zionist Jews to use the US military as a tool, their own private army, in the European war to fulfill their ambition for Palestine, and thus these two men changed the course of history.

This wouldn’t be the last time Lippman and Bernays would use these techniques against Germany. This massive attack was repeated little more than ten years later to destroy Germany and push it into yet another war the Germans didn’t want. In the 1930s, the same Jewish European bankers with largely the same agenda wanted the US to join another war they planned to initiate against Germany . In 1933 they embarked on an extensive worldwide commercial war intended to destroy Germany financially, with newspaper headlines reading “Judea Declares War on Germany”. [33][34][35][36] They had already induced in Roosevelt “an intense desire for war”, but were having the same problem again with the unwilling American public, hence the “anger campaign” referred to earlier, and they repeated the German atrocity stories in all Western countries until almost the entire world wanted to kill all Germans.

Bernays theories and the template for the manipulation of public opinion would form the plan and pattern that the US government would use repeatedly for the next century to successfully deceive the American public about its motivations and actions in more than 100 military adventures, and to blind everyone to the tragic results of America’s brutal foreign policy.

In all of this, Lippman and Bernays were not working independently or without guidance. Prior to their massive ‘war effort’ in the US for World War I, they had operated a successful pilot test case in the UK, using British newspapers owned by Rothschild and other Jews, to determine the efficacy of their methods. The plan to mass-engineer public opinion began in a propaganda factory at Wellington House in London in the early 1900s, with Lords Northcliffe and Rothmere, Arnold Toynbee, and of course our two war-marketing geniuses Lippman and Bernays.[37][38][39][40] It was from this source that the scheme was hatched to force the Rothschild’s privately-owned Federal Reserve banks onto the US Congress, and that trained and coached Lippman and Bernays on the methods of molding American public opinion to push the US into the First World War for the promotion of Zionism. Bernays’ book ‘Propaganda’ offers a clear vision of his training, not only for war marketing but for the pathology of American consumption, automobiles, the hysteria of patriotism and much more.

Wellington House eventually morphed into the Tavistock Institute[41], which was created at Oxford University in London by the founders of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Round Table, and was essentially a kind of mass brainwashing facility beginning as a psychological warfare bureau. It was the Tavistock Institute’s studies in psychological programming that were used to create and then exploit a grand mass hysteria during the cold war, evoking fearful delusions of a nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union that even led to millions of Americans building bomb shelters in their back yards. In Tye’s biography of Bernays, he wrote that “It is impossible to fundamentally grasp the social, political, economic and cultural developments of the past 100 years without some understanding of Bernays and his professional heirs.”

Funding reportedly came from the UK Royal Family, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and eventually included the formation of trans-Atlantic relationships. At various periods, memberships in the Tavistock Institute, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Rothschild’s Round Table, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Stanford Research Institute, the Trilateral Commission and NATO, were interchangeable. They also created the ideology for the large American Foundations like Rockefeller and Carnegie that today play a silent but major role in population management.

Many dirty things emerged from this rat’s nest of Satan-worshippers, one being Britain’s Psychological Warfare Bureau which hatched a plan to destroy Germany not by attacking the military but by virtual genocide of the population. It seems that international bankers owned munitions plants and other valuable military targets on both sides of the war fence, and wanted their property maintained in working order in spite of the war. The Jewish solution recommended to Churchill was saturation bombing of the civilian population to collapse the morale of the German people. These ‘scientific sociologists’ determined that the destruction of 65% of German housing, usually including its occupants, would be sufficient to achieve such a collapse. This was the origin of the fame of the British aviation hero “Bomber” Harris, who carried out these night raids – always at night – that culminated in the fire-bombing of Dresden. The explanation of night raids is usually given as safety for the bomber crews, but its purpose was mostly to engender more terror among the civilian population. Harris himself testified that his directive was to not specifically aim at anything, but just “blast German cities as a whole. Working class housing areas were targeted because they had a higher density and firestorms were more likely.” This would disrupt the German workforce and Germany’s ability to produce war materials in its defense. Harris’ widespread deliberate massacres of German civilians – and those by the Americans as well – were desperately kept secret from the public and still appear nowhere in history books in useful detail or with any sincere attempt to accurately estimate civilian casualties. This was the plan that US General Curtis Lemay was following, the same low-level night raids attempting to exterminate the populations of Japan and Korea.[42]

Everything we have read above about the marketing of war during preparation for the two World Wars, is from a template created by Lippman and Bernays exclusively to support the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine and to promote the agenda of Zionism. That template has been in constant use by the US government (as the Bankers’ Private Army) since the Second World War, ‘engineering consent and ignorance’ in the American and Western populations to mask almost seven decades of atrocities, demonising innocent countries and peoples in preparation for 60 or 70 politically-inspired color revolutions or ‘wars of liberation’ fought exclusively for the financial and political benefit of a handful of European bankers using the US military as a private army for this purpose, resulting in the deaths and miseries of hundreds of millions of innocent civilians.

Bernays carries the blame for more than American entry into the two world wars, having been instrumental in paving the way for the US cannibalisation and military colonisation of much of the world, and for the US installing and supporting the dozens of brutal military dictatorships around the world. His first international project was helping to engineer the US overthrow of the popular elected government of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala. At the time, the Rockefellers’ United Fruit Company and various US elites and international financiers owned most of Guatemala including 70% of all the arable land, the communications facilities, the only railroad and shipping port, and controlled most exports. When Arbenz commenced expropriations and land redistribution, Bernays developed a massive propaganda campaign that colored Arbenz as communist, a terrorist, an enemy to democracy, a blot on humanity, and much more, to the extent that American public opinion supported an outrageous travesty and one of the most brutal violations of human rights in US history. Bernays’ template has been used about 70 times with US invasions of that many nations, which is one source of the vast disconnect between what the American people believe their government has done and what it has actually done. As a side note, Guatemala appealed to the United Nations to stop the Americans’ massive interference in their country, a plea that was sympathetically received by UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold who proved troublesome for the US. He would do so again a few years later, and would be assassinated by the CIA for his trouble.

Quick Summary

Many of us have seen stories of German soldiers skewering babies on bayonets, of machine-gunning parachuting soldiers, tales of tubs-full of eyeballs collected by the Nazis, of Germans slashing off the breasts of every woman they encountered, of eating babies, of rendering the bodies of massacred civilians for fat and glycerine to make weapons. After the war, Bernays openly admitted that he used fabricated atrocities to provoke hatred against Germany and, in both World Wars, no evidence was ever discovered to prove any of these outrageous accusations.

We can easily think of George W. Bush’s demonisation of Iraq, the sordid tales of mass slaughters, the gassing of hundreds of thousands and burial in mass graves, the nuclear weapons ready to launch within 15 minutes, the responsibility for 9-11, the babies tossed out of incubators, Saddam using wood shredders to eliminate political opponents and dissidents. We can think of the tales of Libyan Viagra, all proven to have been groundless fabrications – typical atrocity propaganda. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran and dozens of other wars and invasions followed this same template to get the public mind onside for an unjustified war launched only for political and commercial objectives.

Fast Forward to 2020

We are at the same place today, with the same people conducting the same “anger campaign” against China in preparation for World War III. John Pilger agrees with me, evidenced in his recent article “Another Hiroshima is coming – unless we stop it now.”[43] And so does Gordon Duff.[44] The signs now are everywhere, and the campaign is successful. It is necessary to point out the need for an ‘anger campaign’ as opposed to a ‘hate campaign’. We are not moved to action from hate, but from anger. I may thoroughly despise you, but that in itself will do nothing. It is only if I am moved to anger that I want to punch your lights out. And this, as Lippman and Bernays so clearly noted, requires emotionally-charged atrocity propaganda of the kind used so well against Germany and being so well used against China today. Since we need atrocity propaganda to start a war, there seems to be no shortage.

Today, China has “millions of Xinjiang Uigurs being tortured in hundreds of concentration camps”,[45] in “a campaign of repression”[46], with the nowadays-almost-compulsory “forced sterilisations” of millions.[47] But it’s not all bad because “All Jewish Americans want to help stop this genocide“.[48] Moreover, the “Communist Party” has destroyed “hundreds of Uigur graveyards”,[49] and is not only violating all possible human rights, but has forbidden religion.[50]

Most readers know that China ordered the closure of the US Consulate in Chengdu in retaliation for the forced closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston, but few are aware this constituted another “holocaust”, evidenced by the wife of Jim Mullinax, the US consul general in Chengdu, wondering to the world “whether the Jews were like us when they left their homes to hide from the Nazis before World War II”.[51]

Then we have Huawei, the world’s single most dangerous spying entity, who are no doubt responsible for “Beijing trying to ‘steal’ the American COVID-19 vaccine” but, in further breaking news, the Chinese are “Trying to steal everything”. Not only that, but China recently hacked into the Vatican, and here’s why they did it.[52]

Everyone knows that Hong Kong’s new Security Law spells “the death knell of freedom and democracy in Hong Kong”. We have read much of China’s “threatening militarism” in its own China Pond, but not everyone knows that China is presenting the Japanese air force with “a relentless burden” with 947 (count them) incursions into Japanese airspace “in the last fiscal year ending in March.”[53][54] I didn’t know that provocative military incursions operated on a fiscal year, but maybe things are different in Japan.

Then, Mr. Pompeo tells us, “The truth is that our policies . . . resurrected China’s failing economy, only to see Beijing bite the international hands that were feeding it.”[55] Further, that (due to COVID-19) China “caused an enormous amount of pain, loss of life,” and the “Chinese Communist Party will pay a price”.[56] Of course, we all know that “China” stole the COVID-19 virus from a lab in Winnipeg, Canada, then released it onto the world – and Pompeo has proof[57], and even “A Chinese virologist has proof” that “China” engaged in a massive cover-up while contaminating the world[58] and then “fleeing Hong Kong” because “I know how they treat whistle-blowers.”[59] And of course, “China needs to be held accountable for Covid-19’s destruction” [60] which is why everyone in the US wants to sue “China”. “Australia” demands an international criminal investigation of China’s role in COVID-19.[61] What a surprise.

And of course we have an almost unlimited number of serious provocations, from Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, the South China Seas, to Chinese consulates, media reporters, students, researchers, visa restrictions, spying, Huawei, the trade war, all done in the hope of making the Chinese leaders panic and over-react, the easiest way to justify a new war.

The list could continue for several hundred pages. Never in my life have I seen such a continuous, unabating flood of hate propaganda against one nation, surely equivalent to what was done against Germany as described above to prepare for US entry into the First World War. And it’s working, doing what it is intended to do. Canada, Australia, the UK, Germany, India, Brazil, are buying into the war-mongering and turning against China. More will follow. The Global Times reported “Mutual trust between Australia and China at all-time low”.[62]

“Boycott China” T-shirts and caps are flooding India, Huawei is being increasingly banned from Western nations, Chinese social media APPs like Tik-Tok are being banned, and Bryan Adams recently slammed all Chinese as “Bat-eating, wet-market-animal-selling, virus-making, greedy bastards”.[63][64] In a recent poll (taken because we need to measure the success of our handiwork in the same way Bernays and the Tavistock Institute did as noted earlier), half of all ethnic Chinese in Canada have been threatened and harassed over COVID-19.

About 45% of Chinese in Canada said they had been ” threatened or intimidated in some way”, fully 50% said they had recently been insulted in public, 30% said they had experienced . . . “some kind of physical altercation”, and 60% said the abuse was so bad “they had to reorganise their daily routine to avoid it”. One woman in her 60s said a man told her and her daughter “Every day I pray that you people die”.[65]

This deliberate, systematic targeting of China and the Chinese (by the Jewish media, I’m sorry to say) has resulted in a 700% increase in hate crimes against Chinese, and Canada is by no means the only country experiencing this phenomenon. It is not better in the US, the UK, Australia, and much of Europe. It would seem the laws against hate speech are only for the benefit of the Jews, certainly not for the Chinese. Lippmann and Bernays would be proud.

Several years ago, CNN was sued by one of their news anchors for being ordered to lie in the newscasts. CNN won the case. They did not deny ordering the news anchor to lie. Their defense was based simply on the position that American news media have “no obligation to tell the truth”. And RT recently reported that nearly 9 out of 10 Americans see a “medium or high” bias in all media coverage,[65][66] yet, as we can see, most of those same people, and a very large portion of the population of many nations still succumb to the same hate propaganda.

I would add four final points to this essay.

(1) There is no way to avoid the conclusion that history is indeed repeating itself, demonising yet another nation, deliberately engendering sufficient hatred and anger to justify another world war.

(2) While the impetus for this is surely from the US, the Americans are not entirely to blame because they are merely following orders. The root of all this absolutely resides in Europe among the cabal of International Jews and Zionists, with the Americans once again being “The Bankers’ Private Army”. Our New World Government cannot come into existence without the destruction of both China and Russia (and Iran), but China is the primary stumbling block and must be eliminated. World War Three will have China and Russia on the same side and, with luck, both will be destroyed in one swoop. That is the plan. Your belief in it is not material to its execution.

(3) The International Jews have some reason (in their minds) to resent China. For one, China was intended to be dismembered and turned into a perpetual cash cow, a plan frustrated by Mao and his revolution. Everyone is aware that the Jews had been evicted from many countries many times over many hundreds of years, but no one seems aware that two of these evictions occurred relatively recently, one from Japan immediately prior to World War Two (the source of the huge Jewish Ghetto in Shanghai, not escapees from Hitler as the myths tell us), and the second from China. It was not “the British” but the International Jewish banking families, the Rothschilds, Sassoons, Kadoories and others that were entirely responsible for China’s 150 years-long opium travesty. I won’t go into details here, but immediately after World War Two, one of Mao’s first acts was to expel all the Jews from China and confiscate all their opium assets – including all of the city of Shanghai and the Mainland Branches of the HSBC. They haven’t forgotten, and they want their money back.

(4) Given the source of the push for a Third World War and the planned destruction of China, one is left to consider what, if anything, can be done to prevent a third worldwide holocaust. Even knowing the sources, it is hardly practical to declare war on at most a few thousand individuals scattered among perhaps ten nations.

I know of only one way to prevent the World War Three that is now imminent: make Israel pay for it. If in the final position of authority, I would call in the Israeli ambassador and inform him that if my nation were pushed into a war with the US, my first retaliation would be not against the US but against Israel, that I would apply whatever portion of my nuclear arsenal was necessary to achieve that. It is my thesis that Israel is too important to these people to be sacrificed, and that faced with such a threat deemed credible, they would back off. With everything I know, I do not believe a third world war can be otherwise prevented.





[4] ttps://

[5] “Germany is getting too strong. We’ve got to smash her.” – Winston Churchill speaking during a private lunch in 1936. Reminiscenses in 1961 of General Robert E. Wood. World War II. By Carl J. Schneider, Dorothy Schneider. Page 15.

[6] “We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wantsit or not.” – Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast). “This war is an English warand its goal is the destruction of Germany.” – Winston Churchill (Autumn 1939broadcast)

[7] “You must understand that this war is notagainst Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the Germanpeople, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is inthe hands of Hitler of a Jesuit priest.” – Winston Churchill [1940]; EmrysHughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace p. 45); This book was published in Great Britain in 1950 under the title “Winston Churchill in war and peace.” The American version titled “Winston Churchill: British bulldog : his career in war and peace”, was published in 1955 and was an edited version with selected quotations removed.






















Committee on Public Information, Bureau of Cartoons, Bulletin No. 16, September 28, 1919, 1–2.


Four Minute Men – Volunteer Speeches During World War I. Reprinted in Alfred Cornbise, War As Advertised: The Four Minute Men and America’s Crusade, 1917–1918 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1984).

News Headlines on Four-Minute Men:

• Yiddish-Speaking Four Minute Men Reach Jewish Section of New York

• Organized Under Rabbi Robinson to Carry Government Messages Into Jewish Theaters and Playhouses

• Now Planning to Send Yiddish Speakers Into Shops where Jewish People Are Largely Employed

• The New York City division of Four Minute Men carry on very effective work among the large Jewish population of that city.

Mr. Joseph B. Thomas, former local chairman of Four Minute Men in New York City, wrote as follows:

“The work is organized under the direction of Rabbi A. G. Robinson, executive director of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association. At the present time the Jewish section is operating in 30 theaters, sending speakers to each twice a week. Among these are all the large Jewish playhouses of the city, each one of which has an average attendance of 2,000 at a performance. In this way we are reaching about 25,000 people per week. We expect soon to have every Jewish audience in a motion-picture house or a Jewish playhouse addressed by a Jewish playhouse addressed by a Jewish speaker. Both Yiddish and English are used in accordance with the character of the audience. The directors of several Young Men’s Hebrew Associations in Greater New York are enlisted as ‘Four Minute Speakers,’ and also address their members occasionally on the subjects assigned from Washington. We are now planning to send Yiddish speakers into the various shops of the city where Jewish help is most largely employed. We are also arranging to reach the thousand or more synagogues of the city where Yiddish is best understood. The speakers are introduced in the motion-picture theaters by slides bearing the usual announcement, printed in Yiddish.”








































Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be contacted at:  

   Copyright © Larry RomanoffMoon of Shanghai
, 2020




What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


L.Romanoff´s interview