Wednesday, September 30, 2020















1940年,这些欧洲犹太复国主义者和媒体所有者(躲在英国政府的舞台后面)发起了一场他们称之为愤怒运动,其目的是向德国人民和德国灌输个人仇恨,相关党派高兴地看到,原来6%的英国人憎恨德国,到竞选结束时已增加到50%以上,而且这并没有就此停止。无线电波中充满了对德国灵魂的残酷和黑暗的描述[8] 英国报纸上有文章主张在战争结束后进行有系统地消灭整个德国民族。因此,在战胜德国之后,每一个德国血统的人都将被处死,德国的民族也将永远消失。这些处决实际上已经开始了——艾森豪威尔的死亡集中营,接着是摩根索计划,最终都失败了。对德国灌输个人仇恨的方法也许太成功了。反德的歇斯底里变得如此严重,以至于国王乔治五世不得不将他的德语名萨克斯-科堡改为温莎,并放弃了所有的德语头衔。




Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Financing Medical Care in China -- September 29, 2020

Financing Medical Care in China

By LARRY ROMANOFF – September 29, 2020


Insurance is not a financing mechanism for regular and predictable expenses. It is not a kind of "Ali-pay" for treating colds and tonsillitis. Insurance and re-insurance are used to cover the costs of unpredictable calamities for which a person or corporation cannot be reasonably assumed to be able to cover on their own. We carry fire insurance on our homes because that loss, however unlikely, would be disastrous for us. In the world of health care, for any one individual, a major medical emergency may be totally unpredictable and the cost potentially disastrous. But for a national population as a whole, medical emergencies and normal medical care needs are highly predictable as a percentage of the population and costs can be accurately estimated in advance. This is the reason all intelligent Western governments have a universal health care plan funded by the national government out of general tax revenue. They do it because this is the best, simplest, and least expensive way to supply a universal good to a universal population.


There is no point in bothering to argue this principle; its fundamentals are based on grade-three mathematics and no amount of foolish propaganda can change this. But perhaps more to the point, the provision of health care is a social good, not a commercial venture. Kidney operations, cancer treatments, blood transfusions, are not the stuff of neighborhood shops or high-end malls, nor should they be. They are social infrastructure like education, and should be considered as such. Neither efficiency - in the capitalist sense - nor profit maximisation have any place in the provision of social needs. Of course, efficiency in the dictionary sense of avoiding waste and loss is always prudent, but social goods like health care, education, parks, museums, and much more, do not belong in the corporate boardroom where the objectives are not only unrelated - but often opposite to - social goods or the needs of society. It is only in politically Right-Wing places like dysfunctional America where this private-enterprise infection is so deep. Sane governments and mentally healthy societies take a very different view of these matters.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

The American Infiltration of China's Xinjiang -- September 24, 2020


The American Infiltration of China's Xinjiang


 By LARRY ROMANOFF – September 24, 2020




I want to set the stage for this topic by telling you a story.



When I was a university student, I worked during one summer at a huge supermarket in my city. It was a great place to work, with good management and very high standards of customer service, so much so that our location was the exemplar of perfection in our city and the envy of our competitors. As one example, no customers were permitted to carry their groceries to their car; that was part of our job. The entire staff was a group of young kids. We worked hard, we got along well together, we partied together and we were genuinely happy.



Then one day a young man in his early 30s, an organiser for one of the country's prominent labor unions, began appearing in our supermarket and talking to the staff about forming a union. I wasn't interested and was in any case returning to school in the fall, so the matter didn't much concern me. But after repeated visits, some of the staff began attending meetings with this man in off-hours, and soon all of them were attending.



And we rapidly experienced an astonishing climate change, with our formerly happy workplace becoming infused with bitterness, resentment and anger, for no perceptible reason. The staff soon voted to form a union, and within a couple of weeks voted to begin a strike. I had never seen such a rapid transformation. The entire store had gone from an almost ideal labor environment to one filled with bitterness and hatred, and without discernible cause. It was so bad that one weekend some of the staff cut the power lines to the supermarket during the night so that all the frozen food and perishables would have to be discarded on Monday morning. Many of the huge two-story high front windows were smashed during the nights.



CH-- LARRY ROMANOFF -- 拉里·罗曼诺夫 -- 中国发明的简要目录 -- 2019 年 10 月 24 日



 拉里·罗曼诺夫,   2020年9月27日











China's Economic "Rebalancing" -- September 27, 2020


China's Economic "Rebalancing"


 By LARRYROMANOFF – September 27, 2020


One category contained in the flood of US anti-China propaganda is the current emphasis on how China must 'rebalance' its economy to imitate that of the US, most particularly in the area of increased consumer demand. The Americans offer an unending stream of negative commentary informing us that China's program of capital investment in infrastructure, production, and social welfare is "unsustainable", that China must cease this travesty against capitalism and reorient its economy to immediately stop all further development and turn the population into wanton spendthrifts like the Americans. We are solemnly told, with appropriate biblical references from the high priests at AmCham, that an economy blessed by God must be driven by consumer spending instead of investment and that China can no longer be "addicted" to exports. So much nonsense in this story, it's difficult to know where to begin.


Let's first eliminate the foolishness about "unsustainable", which phrase has become so over-used that it no longer carries any meaning. The dictionary tells us that if something cannot last forever, it is unsustainable. No problem there, but not everything attempted by man is meant to be perpetual. If I am having dinner, my eating is a process which terminates on completion, and never intended as a permanent action. It is the same with China's economic development. The nation will, for many years yet, require additional investment in infrastructure, in advanced production facilities and in social services. Like all processes, this will not last indefinitely into the future but will progress until all national needs have been met, at which time the country's attention will be directed to other matters. If a country has insufficient electricity generation or telecom infrastructure, to label its investment in those areas as unsustainable is nonsense.


 The Americans, envious of China's rise and progress, want to derail further development by attempting to pressure China into abandoning further economic development, especially in infrastructure, and turn instead to consumption. But the entire argument is a fiction that will halt China's development at its current level and plant the country firmly in the jaws of a trap from which it might never escape. China's infrastructure investment will indeed slow with time, but investment in advanced production facilities should never cease. Consumer demand will no doubt one day assume a greater proportion of China's economy, but there is no reason to anticipate this will ever be as high as that in the US because the American economy is structurally unsound and headed for eventual collapse. The Americans are telling us that China can succeed only by emulating the same practices that are causing the US to fail.


The Pathology of American Competition -- September 27, 2020


The Pathology of American Competition


 By LARRY ROMANOFF – September 24, 2020




Economic textbook theory tells us competition will provide increased social benefits, but is pitifully thin on evidence to justify the claim. The one place where competition might have social value is in the case of a monopoly, where the dominant firm abuses its position to charge inflated prices and offer poor service, which is why monopolies are discouraged and why governments tend to break them up; the resulting fragments haven't the same power to abuse the population. But this is quite unrelated to 'competition' in any meaningful sense of that word, but instead relates to the natural tendency of corporate executives' greed to approach infinity as regulation approaches zero. I have lost the source of this quote, but its content is important:


"The monopolies or quasi-monopolies created by mergers and acquisitions are effective mostly to expose the public to the worst excesses of capitalism, excesses which have not much changed in the past 100 years. In 1911, speaking to a Senate Committee, US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said that American corporations managed to thrive only because of their dirty tactics, and by illegally fixing prices and purchasing or destroying competitors. He said that with a level playing field, "these monsters would fall to the ground"."



The most common understanding of the term 'competitive' is for products or services to be more or less equivalent in terms of price and value. This philosophy of competition assumes that some amount of pressure or hardship will force us to grow and perhaps do our best. If we have demanding customers, we may strive to meet their expectations by improving our service to a level we would not otherwise have offered. If we have two vegetable markets in close proximity, customers will frequent the one they feel is most attractive or offers the best quality or service. To that extent, they keep each other honest and the prospect of losing customers may serve to improve the service or maintain reasonable prices. Yet every city in every country has many shops offering similar or identical products but the service and prices tend to be average. China has more than 50 million businesses. If that isn't enough competition, I don't know what would be, but with all this so-called competition, what do we have? High prices and lousy service, so where are the benefits to consumers? The simple answer is: there are none, and the economic theory of the benefits of competition is a textbook myth. But in a sense, this is a small thing and not in any way what the Americans mean when they talk about competition, which is related only to achieving market domination and destroying other suppliers in the market.


Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - CN from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - DE from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - EN from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - FI from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - FR from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - HR from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - NL from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - PT from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - RO from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - ES from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

Clearance of the Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989 - RU from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.

 Subtitles in CH, DE, EN, FI, FR, HZ, NL, PT, RO, SI, SP, RU


Unarmed soldiers with protesters

Chinese military and the protesters singing songs to one another in a friendly duel. This was the climate for many weeks. The Chinese government and most of the protesters never expected the situation to escalate.

The influence of westerners in Tiananmen Square is obvious, looking at all the large signs in English, expressing American ideals.

Here’s a picture of protesters giving food to the Chinese soldiers.

 Those who came to mourn Hu Yaobang, the beloved communist leader. In the beginning, these entirely comprised the group at Tiananmen Square. These students and workers were communists who loved Mao. They were not looking to be rescued by America.

Then there those who just came out to hang out, socialize and have fun.

Juan Restrepo: «El periodismo no puede ser un oficio de fanáticos y partisanos»

 Guzmán Urrero

26 minutos de lectura

Aunque últimamente parece que lo olvidamos, el centro del periodismo no reside en el negocio de las opiniones, sino en los hechos y en su descripción equilibrada. Ese compromiso con la verdad es lo que impulsa la admirable carrera de Juan Restrepo, corresponsal de RTVE durante más de tres décadas y testigo directo de algunos de los acontecimientos decisivos de nuestra historia reciente. Entre otras experiencias cargadas de significado, Restrepo encabezó el único equipo televisivo presente en la plaza de Tiananmen durante aquella trágica noche del 3 al 4 de junio de 1989. Dialogar con él equivale a recuperar los principios esenciales de este oficio que nos permite poner la realidad entre comillas. Y es que, como decía Ciryl Connolly, «el mejor periodismo es la conversación de un gran conversador».



Juan Restrepo: «Journalism cannot be a job for fanatics and partisans»

  Guzman Urrero

26 minute reading

Although lately we seem to forget it, the center of journalism does not lie in the business of opinions, but in facts and their balanced description. This commitment to the truth is what drives the admirable career of Juan Restrepo, RTVE correspondent for more than three decades and a direct witness to some of the decisive events in our recent history. Among other experiences full of meaning, Restrepo headed the only television team present in Tiananmen Square during that tragic night of June 3-4, 1989. Talking with him is equivalent to recovering the essential principles of this profession that allows us to put reality between quotation marks. And, as Ciryl Connolly said, "the best journalism is to talk with a great conversationalist."

…… ..

EXCERPT OF THE INTERVIEW TO Juan Restrepo journalist of RTVE

Desde Manila empecé a cubrir Extremo Oriente hasta que en 1989, una serie de circunstancias hicieron que me tocara ser testigo, precisamente en el país que más me interesaba, de un acontecimiento que fue un hito en la historia contemporánea de China.

From Manila I began to cover the Far East until in 1989, a series of circumstances made me to witness, precisely in the country that most interested me, an event that was a milestone in the contemporary history of China.





What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


L.Romanoff´s interview