Tuesday, August 31, 2021

CH -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- 今天的犹太企业英雄——所有人都是处女 -- 2021年8月21





By Larry Romanoff for The Saker Blog, August 20, 2021








Jeffrey Epstein


我们从杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)开始,他可能比你想象的更能代表这个群体。爱泼斯坦的资历包括他是一个精神变态者、反社会者、性欲过度的恋童癖者,并带有一点魅力。没有别的了。众所周知,爱泼斯坦从未有过一份真正的工作,因为他没有资格胜任任何工作。他曾一度担任过教师职位——他没有任何资格证书,但这似乎是一份名单。然而,他从那时起就成为了世界历史上最伟大的性诱捕计划之一的准亿万富翁导演,充斥着私人飞机、昂贵的豪宅、加勒比海的私人恋童癖岛屿等等。一个与世界上的富人和名人(尤其是英国皇室)交往的人,他用未成年的宝藏对待他们。


CH — LARRY ROMANOFF –《中港引渡条例草案》背后的因素 — 2021年8月19日





香港的2019起抗议活动是由Carrie Lam试图通过香港和中国大陆之间的引渡法案引发的。目前尚不清楚这是应北京的要求(我相信是这样)还是林的主动,但西方媒体忽略了一些重要细节。





Monday, August 30, 2021

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — If You Do It, It’s Spying. If I Do It, It’s Research — August 30, 2021


If You Do It, It's Spying. If I Do It, It's Research.




In the late 1950s and early 1960s there was an American TV series called “The Naked City”, set in NYC. The opening for each episode began with the intoned words, “There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This is one of them.” Well, there are probably 8 million American spy stories that have taken place in China during the past few decades. Here are two of them.


Several years ago it was reported that the Pentagon was building an international spy network that might become even larger than that of the CIA, planning to have at least 1,600 “collectors of information” spread around the world. In addition to military attaches and others who do not work undercover, more clandestine operatives would be trained by the CIA and deployed overseas to undertake tasks the CIA was unwilling to pursue. It was duly confirmed that China was among the Pentagon’s top intelligence priorities, reflecting the American affinity for espionage and covert action, evidence of which we no longer need. Americans are frequently conscripted by the CIA or the US military into espionage service in China, operating with the assistance of the US State Department.

Foreign individuals in China, ostensibly acting independently, are regularly apprehended by Chinese authorities for carrying out illegal surveys and mapping, marking the location of key military and other facilities. Almost 40 illegal surveying and mapping cases were detected in China in the past several years alone, mostly surrounding some of China’s military bases and installations, and in sensitive border areas such as Xinjiang and Tibet, the data almost certainly used in planning the foreign-sponsored unrest that occurred in those provinces.

In one recent case, an American citizen was found using two professional surveying and mapping GPS receivers on which he had recorded more than 90,000 coordinates, 50,000 of those near military installations. He travelled to XinJiang on a pretext of registering a travel agency to offer outdoor tours to foreigners in Urumqi, and clearly was there on assignment from the US government when he was caught. This is the reason Google’s mapping service was killed in China. Google was busy collecting high-resolution intelligence for the CIA, again images of sensitive military areas.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

PT -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat -- August 26, 2021


Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat

By Larry Romanoff, August 08, 2020

Traduzido em exclusivo para PRAVDA PT



Primeiro, vamos eliminar a noção convencionada de que a China espia toda a gente e os espiões dos EUA não espiam ninguém. Há tantas provas públicas para destruir estas duas afirmações que não me vou dar ao trabalho de repeti-las. No entanto, vou recordar aos leitores que, há alguns anos, a China proibiu, mais ou menos, o Windows 8 do país porque se descobriu que o Sistema Operativo tinha uma porta traseira da NSA embutida[1] Parece que a Alemanha divulgou primeiro esta ocorrência, mas a prova devastadora foi numa conferência de Informática, quando um executivo da Microsoft foi interrompido durante um discurso precisamente com esta acusação.  [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] O orador não negou porque o indivíduo que fez a acusação foi quem a descobriu e tinha consigo a prova, mas recusou-se a discuti-la e mudou de assunto.

Mas este assunto dificilmente é notícia. Há quarenta anos foi provado que todas as máquinas fotocopiadoras Xerox entregues a embaixadas e consulados estrangeiros nos EUA estavam "preparadas para executar funções de espionagem"[10][11] Além do mais, pelo menos, durante 20 anos e talvez muito mais, era do conhecimento geral que, quando qualquer embaixada, consulados, bancos e outras empresas estrangeiras encomendavam computadores e hardware semelhante a fornecedores americanos, essas remessas eram interceptadas pela UPS, entregues à CIA e/ou à NSA para instalação de hardware e software "extra", antes da entrega aos respectivos destinatários. Esta situação foi uma das confirmações de Edward Snowden[12][13][14][15] Qualquer pesquisa sobre este caso dar-lhe-á milhões de visitas, a menos que a Google escolha esse momento para ficar sem memória.


NL — LARRY ROMANOFF — Huawei, Tik-Tok en WeChat Door Larry Romanoff — August 26, 2021

Huawei, Tik-Tok en WeChat

Door Larry Romanoff, 08 Augustus 2020

Nederlandse vertaling: Martien



Laten we eerst het gecombineerde idee ontkrachten dat China iedereen bespioneert en de VS niemand. Er is zoveel publiek bewijsmateriaal om deze beide beweringen te ontkrachten dat ik niet de moeite zal nemen ze hier te herhalen. Ik wil de lezers er echter wel aan herinneren dat China een paar jaar geleden Windows 8 min of meer uit het land heeft verbannen omdat ontdekt was dat het O/S een ingebouwde NSA achterdeur had.[1] Het schijnt dat Duitsland hier als eerste over berichtte, maar het vernietigende bewijs kwam op een IT conferentie waar een Microsoft executive tijdens een toespraak werd onderbroken met precies deze beschuldiging. .[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Hij ontkende het niet omdat de persoon die de beschuldiging uitte de persoon was die het had ontdekt en het bewijs bij zich had, maar weigerde er over te praten en veranderde van onderwerp.

Maar dit is nauwelijks nieuws. Veertig jaar geleden werd bewezen dat alle Xerox kopieermachines die aan buitenlandse ambassades en consulaten in de VS werden geleverd, "spionage-klaar" waren[10][11] Ook was het al minstens 20 jaar, en misschien veel langer, algemeen bekend dat wanneer buitenlandse ambassa-des, consulaten, banken en andere bedrijven computers en soortgelijke hardware bestelden bij Amerikaanse leveranciers, die zendingen door UPS werden onderschept en aan de CIA en/of NSA werden geleverd voor installatie van "extra" hardware en software voordat ze naar hun bestemmingen werden afgeleverd. Dit was een van de bevestigingen van Edward Snowden.[12][13][14][15] Elke zoekactie hierop zal je miljoenen hits opleveren, tenzij Google er dat moment voor kiest om zijn geheugen te verliezen.


Friday, August 27, 2021

SP — LARRY ROMANOFF — Huawei, Tik-Tok y WeChat — August 26, 2021

Huawei, Tik-Tok y WeChat

Larry Romanoff • 8 de Agosto, 2020

Traducción: PEC



Primero, disipemos la noción combinada de que China espía a todo el mundo y los EE.UU. no espían a nadie. Hay tanta evidencia pública para destruir estas dos afirmaciones que no me molestaré en repetirlas aquí. Sin embargo, recordaré a los lectores que hace unos años China más o menos prohibió Windows 8 en el país porque se descubrió que el sistema operativo tenía una puerta trasera incorporada por la NSA.[1] Parece que Alemania informó sobre esto primero, pero la prueba devastadora fue en una conferencia de IT, donde un ejecutivo de Microsoft fue interrumpido durante un discurso con precisamente esta acusación.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] No lo negó, porque la persona que hizo la acusación fue la que lo descubrió y tenía con ella la prueba, pero se negó a discutirlo y cambió de tema.

Pero esto no es noticia. Hace 40 años se demostró que todas las fotocopiadoras de Xerox entregadas a embajadas y consulados extranjeros en los EE.UU. estaban "preparadas para el espionaje"[10][11] Además, durante al menos 20 años y tal vez mucho más, era de conocimiento común que cuando cualquier embajada, consulado, banco y otras corporaciones extranjeras, pedían computadoras y hardware similar a proveedores de los EE.UU., esos envíos eran interceptados por UPS, entregados a la CIA y/o a la NSA para la instalación de hardware y software "extra" antes de ser entregados a sus destinos. Esta fue una de las confirmaciones de Edward Snowden..[12][13][14][15]  Cualquier búsqueda de esto les dará millones de resultados, a menos que Google elija ese momento para perder su memoria.


Los problemas de Trump con Huawei son dobles. El más obvio es que China se está comiendo el almuerzo de América en lo que se refiere a la innovación e invención, y Trump quisiera frenar esto destruyendo a Huawei y claramente está haciendo todos los esfuerzos posibles en este sentido, incluyendo la intimidación y la amenaza a la mitad del mundo conocido contra el uso de los productos de Huawei. Pero esta es la pequeña parte del problema; el verdadero problema es el espionaje. No tiene ningún valor práctico discutir la afirmación de que Cisco y otras empresas americanas de hardware y software instalan puertas traseras en todos sus equipos para facilitar el acceso de la CIA y la NSA. Pero de repente Huawei está reemplazando a Cisco y a esas otras firmas americanas con su equipo mejor y más barato.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

EN -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat -- August 26, 2021

Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat

By Larry Romanoff, August 08, 2020



First, let’s dispel the combined notion that China spies on everyone and the US spies on no one. There is so much public evidence to destroy both these assertions that I won’t bother repeating them here. I will however remind readers that a few years ago China more or less banned Windows 8 from the country because it was discovered that the O/S had a built-in NSA back door.[1] It seems that Germany reported on this first, but the devastating proof was at an IT conference where a Microsoft executive was interrupted during a speech with precisely this accusation..[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] He did not deny it because the person making the accusation was the person who discovered it and had with him the proof, but refused to discuss it and changed the subject.

But this is hardly news. Forty years ago it was proven that all Xerox copy machines delivered to foreign embassies and consulates in the US were “espionage-ready”[10][11] Also, for at least 20 years, and perhaps much more, it was common knowledge that when any foreign embassies, consulates, banks and other corporations ordered computers and similar hardware from US suppliers, those shipments were intercepted by UPS, delivered to the CIA and/or NSA for installation of “extra” hardware and software before delivery to their destinations. This was one of the confirmations by Edward Snowden.[12][13][14][15] Any search on this will give you millions of hits unless Google chooses that moment to lose its memory.


Trump’s problems with Huawei are twofold. The most obvious is that China is eating America’s lunch when it comes to innovation and invention and Trump would like to slow this down by destroying Huawei and is clearly making every possible effort in this regard, including bullying and threatening half the known world against using Huawei’s products. But this is the small part of the problem; the real issue is espionage. There is no practical value in disputing the assertion that Cisco and other American hardware and software firms install back doors to all their equipment for the convenience of CIA and NSA access. But suddenly Huawei is replacing Cisco and those other American firms with its better and less expensive equipment.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

EN -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- Let’s Move the Goalposts. The US-China Confrontation -- August 25, 2021


By Larry Romanoff, February 06, 2020


The prospect of ‘moving the goalposts’ is a peculiarly American strategy to ensure that America will always win. To accomplish this, one either moves the goalposts in position to receive the ball regardless of how badly-aimed it might be, or moves them out of the path of the opponent’s well-placed kick so he fails to score. This move is often accompanied by sudden changes in either the rules or the method of keeping score, all designed to “level the playing field” and ensure that America wins.

In 2012 China filed more patents worldwide than did the US, but sadly China’s patents were bad while America’s patents were good because US patents are made for freedom and democracy while China’s are just about money. The Americans admitted China had surpassed the US in patent applications, but then added “although the quality of China’s patents is often disputed”, the accusation once again serving as proof. ‘Quality’ being partially defined as new inventions as opposed to refinements, and by curious metrics like “influence” and “global reach” and the number of times a patent is cited in a publication. So the Americans rush to cite each other’s patents in every American publication, which magically greatly enhances their creativity and innovation, and America still wins. There seems almost no claim too vacuous for the Americans to posit.





What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


L.Romanoff´s interview