Militia members2019年10月1日,中国北京国庆节,在庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年的阅兵式上,列队走过天安门广场。(照片:托马斯·彼得/路透社)
Militia members2019年10月1日,中国北京国庆节,在庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年的阅兵式上,列队走过天安门广场。(照片:托马斯·彼得/路透社)
By Larry Romanoff, March 28, 2022
1960 -- The rural workforce turned their attention from the fields to factories
Militia members march in formation past Tiananmen Square during the military parade marking the 70th founding anniversary of People's Republic of China, on its National Day in Beijing, China October 1, 2019. (Photo: Thomas Peter/Reuters)
It seems that whenever the topic of China arises, we are flooded with the most amazing observations, statements, conclusions, almost all of which appear to come from outer space. There surely cannot be another subject on this planet on which so many people are so amazingly misinformed and arrive at the most unrealistic conclusions.
We have a saying that after spending one month in China you could write a book; after a year in China, you could write a chapter; in five years you could write a paragraph, and after five years you could write a note on a postcard - about the food. That saying has become almost an urban legend but it is essentially true. I can still recall the day when, walking down a street in downtown Shanghai after being in the country for about a month, I experienced an illusion of such extreme clarity that I said to myself, “I could write a book on this place”. I cannot explain the mental or sociological processes that combine to cause that initial illusion of understanding and clarity, nor the forces that so effectively and progressively dismantle it to a condition where the more time we spend in China the less we understand it.
And yet, after living in China for nearly 20 years, I find myself constantly challenged and "corrected" by persons who have never been to China, have obviously never read anything useful about the country, and who may not even actually know a single Chinese person. Yet this total lack of knowledge is apparently not a hindrance to the huge amount of philosophical pontificating about "how things really are in China".
I have often thought that I could stand and speak on China for an hour and that my audience (of Canadians and Americans) would sit with their mouths open and their faces blank for that full hour. They would have nothing to say and no questions to ask, because they would be unable to fathom a set of cultural circumstances where the events I report would be able to exist in their world. The disconnect would be almost total. I recently wrote an article titled "Understanding China" that contains some cultural elements of the above kind. (1) You might care to read it; it's brief and interesting.
Por Larry Romanoff, March 14, 2022
Como cenário, ao que tudo indica, o súbito aparecimento deste vírus - inicialmente epidémico e depois, à primeira vista, pandémico - suscitou as minhas suspeitas desde o primeiro dia. Em resposta a estas dúvidas, acompanhei e documentei todos os desenvolvimentos desde o Dia Um.
Primeiro, registei as datas em que cada país anunciou a sua primeira infecção interna (natural), as que não eram provenientes de viagem de regresso da China ou para este país, não resultantes de contacto externo. Tratava-se de infecções locais que não tinham qualquer ligação com a China nem com viagens ao estrangeiro; assim, por definição, tiveram origem no interior do país. Assinalei também os locais específicos destas infecções 'internas' dentro de um país, em todos os casos em que esta informação estava disponível. Procurei, especialmente, todos os casos com contágios em múltiplos locais, sobretudo onde estes surtos eram simultâneos.
Anotei, igualmente, se alguma dessas nações foi capaz de identificar um paciente zero: nenhuma delas conseguiu. Tanto quanto sei, nenhum país foi capaz de identificar um paciente zero e encontrei poucas provas de que qualquer país, excepto a China, tivesse sequer tentado essa pesquisa. A Itália foi uma excepção determinada, mas houve poucos países que o fizeram. Os EUA, em particular, ignoraram essa possibilidade e recusaram-se a discuti-la.
Finalmente, tendo começado desde o primeiro dia, cataloguei a nova contagem de infecções e mortes diárias por país, em aproximadamente 125 dos países mais desenvolvidos. Sempre que possível, recolhi os dados em bruto das fontes originais, apoiado em websites como o Worldometers e outros e, durante mais de dois anos, inventariei todos os dias essas novas infecções e mortes, em ficheiros Excel.
这篇文章大部分是基于一个长长的著名医生和科学家名单,由Reiner Fuellmich博士主持的COVID-19公众舆论大陪审团的证词。(1) (2这里的内容紧跟着我之前的文章,一个我无法证明的COVID-19理论。(3)
“如果我是一个独裁者,我的第一个命令之一就是每个成年人必须至少修一门大学水平的逻辑课程。在当今世界,基本上是一个国际犯罪因素在控制着,一个通过他们对大众媒体的影响力有效管理公众认知的因素,读者将从中受益匪浅我对逻辑原理有一定的了解。" (4)
Posted on marzo 21, 2022
Traduction: Las termitas del cielo
Gran parte de este ensayo se basa en el testimonio de una larga lista de eminentes médicos y científicos ante el Gran Jurado del Tribunal de Opinión Pública sobre COVID-19, presidido por el Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.[1][2] El contenido aquí sigue de cerca el de mi ensayo anterior, A COVID-19 Theory I Cannot Prove.[3]
Primero, pensemos
En un artículo (Parte 4) de una serie titulada ‘Propaganda y los medios’ que escribí para el Saker, comencé con esta observación:
«Si yo fuera un dictador, uno de mis primeros dictados sería que cada adulto debe tomar al menos un curso de lógica de nivel universitario. En el mundo de hoy, con lo que es esencialmente un elemento criminal internacional en control, uno que gestiona eficazmente la percepción pública a través de su influencia sobre los medios de comunicación, los lectores se beneficiarían inmensamente de cierta exposición a los principios de la lógica».[4]
Considere por un momento el «virus de China», la teoría de la fuga de laboratorio de Wuhan, la miríada de otras afirmaciones de que China contamina el mundo con COVID-19, algunos grupos estadounidenses incluso presentan dramáticamente demandas espurias contra China. Sin embargo, esto siempre fue una tontería.
By Larry Romanoff, March 20, 2022
Much of this essay is based on the testimony of a long list of eminent physicians and scientists to the Grand Jury of the Court of Public Opinion on COVID-19, chaired by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. (1) (2) The content here follows closely on that of my previous essay, A COVID-19 Theory I Cannot Prove. (3)
First, Let's Think
In one article (Part 4) of a series titled 'Propaganda and the Media' that I wrote for the Saker, I began with this observation:
"If I were a dictator, one of my first dictates would be that every adult must take at least one university-level course in logic. In today’s world, with what is essentially an international criminal element in control, one which effectively manages public perception through their leverage over the mass media, readers would benefit immensely from some exposure to the principles of logic." (4)
Consider for a moment the "China virus", the Wuhan lab-leak theory, the myriad other claims of China contaminating the world with COVID-19, some American groups even dramatically filing spurious lawsuits against China. Yet this was always nonsense.
Let's review something very basic. COVID-19 exploded in Wuhan and began to spread, so the health authorities first isolated Wuhan and then locked down the entire province of Hubei. The pathogen did escape Wuhan, but not Hubei. Almost all the infections and nearly every death were in Wuhan or Hubei. The virus did not escape to infect any other city or province in China. Nearby Shanghai had only a few infections and deaths while a great many cities and provinces had none, and it ended quickly.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
American industry abandoned early on its pretense of making high-quality products, as a natural result of the new mantra of profit maximisation. When American capitalists redefined "long-term" as three months, making a product to last a lifetime became a kind of self-inflicted injury, in that if they manufactured a set of kitchen pots that would last for generations, that purchaser was lost forever as a customer. The natural corollary was that a poor-quality item would require repeated disposal and repurchase, thereby guaranteeing repeat customers and higher profits indefinitely, whereupon our greed-driven captains of industry quickly embarked on a plan to continually degrade product quality and ensure the necessity of continued replacement. By the 1980s, nearly all American multi-nationals and large corporations had joined the race to the bottom.
This important lesson in the economics of greed wasn't lost on the pharma companies, who realised just as quickly that producing a cure for a disease would have the same result as that from high-quality pots and pans, which is no repeat customers and the death by suicide of their own revenue stream. And that means the major pharma companies are essentially producing what I call 'pain-killer' medications, drugs which fail to address the root cause of an illness but which provide temporary relief by masking the symptoms, thereby creating countless millions of drug-dependent repeat customers. More than a few pharmacists have confirmed documented reports that pharma companies mostly invest research dollars into a search for these "control medications", rather than search for actual cures for an illness. The emphasis is on managing the symptoms while maintaining the disease, very effectively utilising physicians and hospitals as front-line soldiers to convert every patient into a long-term cash stream. (1)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
制药行业最大的参与者,如赛诺菲(Sanofi)、辉瑞(Pfizer)和许多其他公司,都是犹太人所有的,这也是传统媒体确保最终受益所有人罪犯几乎从未被确认的原因之一。罗斯柴尔德的赛诺菲(及其所有兄弟公司)是世界上最大的疫苗制造商。对于COVID-19疫苗,耶路撒冷邮报吹嘘说,一个希腊犹太人,Albert Bourla领导辉瑞,而埃特纳的医学主任,Tal Zaks博士,是一个以色列犹太人。(1) 给我们带来Oxycontin和阿片危机的萨克勒家族是犹太人。雀巢在婴儿奶等相关产品上投入了大量资金,造成了数百万婴儿死亡,是世界上四大抵制最严重的公司之一 (2)但公众意识严重不足,因为它是一家受到世界传统媒体保护的犹太公司。孟山都是另一个例子。
By Larry Romanoff, March 14, 2022
For background, the sudden appearance of this virus - at first apparently epidemic, then apparently pandemic, aroused my suspicions from the first day. Responding to those suspicions, I followed and documented all the developments from Day One.
First, I recorded the dates on which each country announced its first domestic (indigenous) infection, those not transferred by travel to or from China, not arising from external contact. These were local infections which had no connection to Chinese nor to foreign travel; thus, by definition, they originated inside the country. I recorded as well the specific locations within a country of these 'domestic' infections, in every case where that information was available. In particular, I searched for all cases with outbreaks in multiple locations, especially where these outbreaks were simultaneous.
I also recorded whether any of those nations were able to identify a patient zero: they were not. To my best knowledge, no country was able to identify a patient zero, and I found scant evidence that any country except for China had even attempted that search. Italy was one determined exception, but there were few of these. The US in particular ignored the prospect and refused to discuss it.
Finally, beginning on the first day, I recorded the new tally of daily infections and deaths by country for about the top 125 countries. I gathered the raw data from original sources where possible, relied on websites like Worldometers and others, and I recorded in Excel files those new infections and deaths every day for more than two years now.
That persistent long-term data collection provided what I would term "a reasonable feel" for what has been happening and for what is still happening today. In particular, I believe it is true that familiarity with those data and their daily changes permits one to see anomalies in the data and the events that would not be apparent to a casual observer. Also, recording and sorting those data by continent makes apparent some major trends that might not otherwise be obvious.
By Larry Romanoff, March 4, 2022
We are all aware of the ability of the Anglo-Zionist International Cabal of Gangsters (ICG) to propagate the preferred story-line for every occasion, as with the Russia/Ukraine conflict today. Generally, they employ the power of the Western media to overwhelm the world’s publics with the accepted version of events. But how do the US and Israel, and the ICG, manage so well to avoid the negative publicity from their own foreign policy adventures? Most of us would instinctively believe we have the easy answer to this question, since it appears to hinge simply on media censorship, but we might be mistaken. There is more to a successful information blockade than is superficially obvious.
The first part of course is the nearly-universal control of all Western media by a relatively small handful of people, all Jews. This includes first the news services like AP and Reuters, then the newspapers plus most recognised magazines, radio and TV stations and networks, virtually the entire book publishing industry, all of the social media and related internet platforms like Wikipedia and Google, “fact-checkers” like the despicable Poynter Institute, as well as 90% of Hollywood which includes both motion pictures and television programs. Their control on information is nearly total.
But control goes far beyond ownership. As one example, The Globe & Mail is (was) a respectable broadsheet long recognised as Canada’s national newspaper. Some years ago, the Globe published an article detailing the atrocities then being committed against Arabs by the Jews in Palestine. The article wasn’t inflammatory or ideological, but simply an accurate chronicle of events the editors believed should be brought to the attention of the world. The very next morning, the entire top half of the front page of the Globe carried a huge photo of a Jewish soldier giving candy to a supposedly Palestinian child, with text to match. You don’t need an imagination to know what happened behind a closed door somewhere. The date was 1983 and, in the 39 years since then, the Globe hasn’t published a single article that was critical of either the Jews or of Israel. That's control. I have covered this part and more in an article on Propaganda and the Media - Establishing and Controlling the Narrative. You may care to read it. (1)
In June of 2013, Sohu China published an article by Yun Wuxin, claiming that "after more than 100 years of work, the FDA has formed a comprehensive regulatory system, which many other countries have now emulated. The core concept of the system is to protect those that abide by the rules and punish those that break the law, using penalization to prevent further incidents from occurring."
I seldom see comments as disturbingly uninformed as these, claims so incorrect and with such tragic potential for human loss they should be treated as a criminal offense and punished by flogging and imprisonment. It is both astonishing and absolutely unforgivable that so many Chinese in authoritative positions will blindly accept the most stupidly false claims about American superiority in one field or another, apparently without doing even the most superficial investigation into the accuracy of these claims. This blind 'white first' attitude is in many instances so reckless, and carries such dangers for China, that any positive recommendations of American products should carry an automatic threat of imprisonment if proven false. Furthermore, someone needs to check on the original authorship of some of these articles and label them as the ghost-written foreign propaganda that they are - which practice in publication should also be a criminal offense.
There are few penalties that will deter the overwhelming greed and instinctive criminality of the pharma industry, in China or anywhere else. We need penalties in the tens of billions of dollars, not in billions or hundreds of millions. When a firm makes $20 billion in illegal profit and pays only a $1 billion fine, where is the incentive to desist? The legal authorities need to punish pharma companies for illegal drug marketing by fining them the full retail value of the total sales of that medication in the country. Next, we need criminal charges and prison sentences, not against the company, but against its executives and officers. When these individuals face ten or more years in prison or a potential execution for an illegal act, they will think twice. Another avenue for firms committing fraud is to ban that company forever from drug sales to any part of the national health system, thereby eliminating the bulk of their revenue in the country forever.
Por Larry Romanoff, Março 4, 2022
Estamos todos conscientes da capacidade que a Cabala Anglo-Zionista Internacional de Gangsters (ICG) tem para propagar a sua linha preferida da reportagem para cada ocasião, como acontece hoje com o conflito Rússia/Ucrânia. Geralmente, empregam o poder dos meios de comunicação social ocidental para sobrecarregar o público mundial com a versão aceite dos acontecimentos. Mas como é que os EUA e Israel e a ICG, conseguem evitar de maneira tão bem sucedida, a publicidade negativa das suas próprias aventuras em matéria de política externa? A maioria acreditaria, instintivamente, ter uma resposta fácil para esta pergunta, visto que parece depender simplesmente da censura dos meios de comunicação social, mas podemos estar enganados. Existem mais razões para um bloqueio de informação bem sucedido, do que aquilo que é óbvio à primeira vista.
Claro que a primeira parte, é o controlo quase universal de todos os meios de comunicação ocidentais por um punhado relativamente pequeno de indivíduos, todos eles judeus. O que inclui primeiro, os serviços noticiosos como a AP e a Reuters, depois os jornais e a maioria das revistas, estações e redes da rádio e de televisão mais conhecidas, praticamente toda a indústria editorial de livros, todos os meios de comunicação social e plataformas da Internet relacionadas, como a Wikipedia e a Google, “fact-checkers” como o desprezível Instituto Poynter, bem como 90% de Hollywood que inclui tanto filmes como programas de televisão. O controlo que efectuam sobre a informação, é quase total.
Mas esse controlo vai muito além da propriedade. Como exemplo, The Globe & Mail é (foi) um jornal respeitável há muito reconhecido como o jornal nacional do Canadá. Há alguns anos, o Globe publicou um artigo referindo em pormenor as atrocidades então cometidas contra os árabes pelos judeus da Palestina. O artigo não era inflamatório ou ideológico, mas simplesmente uma crónica precisa dos acontecimentos que os editores acreditavam que deveria ser levada ao conhecimento do mundo. Logo na manhã seguinte, toda a metade superior da primeira página do Globo trazia uma enorme fotografia de um soldado judeu a dar doces a uma criança supostamente palestiniana, com um texto a condizer. Não é necessário ter muita imaginação para saber o que aconteceu algures, atrás de uma porta fechada. A data era 1983 e, nos 39 anos a partir de então, o Globo não publicou um único artigo que depreciasse, quer judeus, quer Israel. Isto é controlo. Relatei esta parte e ainda mais, num artigo sobre Propaganda e os Meios de Comunicação - Estabelecer e Controlar a Narrativa. Talvez queira lê-lo. (1)
Larry Romanoff, octubre, 2021
Traductor: PEC
Contenido Parte 5
El Botín de Guerra
El Lirio de Oro de Japón
La Isla del Tesoro
El Gran Robo de Oro - Parte I - La FED de EE.UU.
El Gran Robo de Oro - Parte II - Citibank
Ley de Compra de Oro de EE.UU. de 1933
Ley de Compra de Plata de 1934
Dios Salve a la Reina
Mi Moneda, Pero tu Problema
El Banco Mundial y el FMI
Comencé una sección sobre la colonización describiendo a Irak como una cuna de civilización. Uno de los resultados de esa larga historia es la existencia de piezas arqueológicas, tesoros artísticos, pergaminos y otros objetos acumulados a lo largo de los siglos, muchos de ellos de gran valor económico pero también de inmensa importancia histórica. La mayoría han desaparecido. Las tropas estadounidenses saquearon la mayor parte del país, y hoy muchos museos iraquíes están completamente vacíos. Los objetos de valor y las piezas arqueológicas fueron robados no sólo de los museos y las bibliotecas, sino también de los hogares. Irak fue saqueado en su totalidad. Las estimaciones publicadas afirman que durante las acciones de combate se robaron de los museos iraquíes de Bagdad, Mosul y otras ciudades al menos 200.000 objetos de arte y cultura, muchos de ellos de valor inestimable para la historia del mundo. El gobierno de EE.UU. afirma que sólo se trató de unas pocas acciones de canallas que desaprobaba, pero los hechos nos dicen lo contrario, y de hecho, muchos de esos objetos han aparecido en museos y colecciones privadas, en Israel, entre otros lugares.
En Alemania, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Estados Unidos violó los solemnes acuerdos que había hecho sólo unos meses antes, cuando sus tropas entraron en la zona de ocupación soviética y robaron más de 100 toneladas de lingotes de oro y plata del Reichsbank, además de colecciones de arte y documentos soviéticos de valor incalculable. Algunas obras de arte fueron finalmente devueltas bajo la protesta soviética, pero el oro y la plata habían desaparecido de alguna manera. La Unión Soviética insiste en que Estados Unidos sigue conservando colecciones inestimables de arte soviético robado, una afirmación que Estados Unidos negó, pero luego fue sorprendido en una mentira cuando los investigadores descubrieron documentos que demostraban que Estados Unidos había conservado efectivamente una enorme cantidad de tesoros de arte, que para entonces habían desaparecido en colecciones privadas del grupo habitual de sospechosos. También hay informes documentados de que, al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los militares estadounidenses vaciaron un tren de 24 vagones llenos de oro, plata y diversos caros objetos de arte cuyo valor se estimaba en muchos miles de millones en aquella época. Además, otros miles de millones de oro desaparecieron del Reichsbank más o menos en la misma época, y nunca han dado cuenta de ello.
By Larry Romanoff, March 10, 2022
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
It is becoming increasingly common that what are still called "side effects" are no longer any such thing but are instead more or less major features of these drugs and which affect increasingly larger percentages of users. If this trend continues, we will soon be at the point where any physical reaction will be considered a side effect if experienced by less than 50% of patients. It is most likely true that physical side effects have always been with us, there always being perhaps a few individuals whose body chemistry would respond in unexpected ways to new medications. But it is also true that these side effects, though sometimes horribly dramatic as with the drug Thalidomide, were mostly mild and rare, perhaps in part due to the simpler nature of the medications.
Newer drugs are increasingly complex, less well understood in terms of their potential effects on body chemistry, and increasingly poorly researched with that research too often misrepresented and even falsified, the side effects too often dismissed as inconvenient anomalies instead of major inherent characteristics of these new drugs. It used to be that the normal range of unpleasant side effects might be experienced by only a fraction of one percent of the patient population, but the lust for profits has skewed the equation to the point where a drug will be developed by the pharma companies and approved by the FDA if even 10% or more than 20% of users experience harmful results.
These so-called side effects of new and poorly-understood medications and vaccines are increasingly cutting a wide swath of death and injury through the populations of Western countries, especially in the dictatorial politically Right-Wing countries where big pharma has almost omnipotent influence like the US, Canada and the UK. These events are now termed "adverse drug reactions" or, more innocently-sounding, "ADRs", and are estimated to cause well over 100,000 deaths per year in the US alone, making them one of the leading causes of death in America. (1) (2)
By Larry Romanoff, March 10, 2022
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
American industry abandoned early on its pretense of making high-quality products, as a natural result of the new mantra of profit maximisation. When American capitalists redefined "long-term" as three months, making a product to last a lifetime became a kind of self-inflicted injury, in that if they manufactured a set of kitchen pots that would last for generations, that purchaser was lost forever as a customer. The natural corollary was that a poor-quality item would require repeated disposal and repurchase, thereby guaranteeing repeat customers and higher profits indefinitely, whereupon our greed-driven captains of industry quickly embarked on a plan to continually degrade product quality and ensure the necessity of continued replacement. By the 1980s, nearly all American multi-nationals and large corporations had joined the race to the bottom.
This important lesson in the economics of greed wasn't lost on the pharma companies, who realised just as quickly that producing a cure for a disease would have the same result as that from high-quality pots and pans, which is no repeat customers and the death by suicide of their own revenue stream. And that means the major pharma companies are essentially producing what I call 'pain-killer' medications, drugs which fail to address the root cause of an illness but which provide temporary relief by masking the symptoms, thereby creating countless millions of drug-dependent repeat customers. More than a few pharmacists have confirmed documented reports that pharma companies mostly invest research dollars into a search for these "control medications", rather than search for actual cures for an illness. The emphasis is on managing the symptoms while maintaining the disease, very effectively utilising physicians and hospitals as front-line soldiers to convert every patient into a long-term cash stream. (1)
Note to readers: I originally wrote a brief version of this article, now expanded into a series of 14 or 15 parts which will now be published and collected into an e-book. It begins with an introduction to the world of Big Pharma, the owners, the problems, the death tolls, the crimes and the penalties. It then moves to a rather distressing discussion and exposé of the FDA and the WHO, the astonishing criminality of the blood collection system, and ends with targeted articles on several of the main Big Pharma criminal enterprises, including Pfizer, Sanofi, J&J, Merck, and GSK.
It may surprise you to learn that the world’s pharmaceutical industry has arguably the dirtiest underbelly of all economic sectors in the world today, so totally riddled with crime and corruption that it probably cannot be fixed. As one measure, in the past few decades Big Pharma has created a toll of deaths and injuries exceeding that of all the world’s arms manufacturers combined. Astonishing claims, but heavily documented and easily proven, as you will see. The pharma companies are only one part of what we might term an enormous international crime ring that includes UN agencies.
This news hasn’t reached wide public awareness because the world’s mainstream media are owned by very close friends of these drug lords and, while much of the information on the litany of crimes is not exactly heavily censored, the exposures are treated dispassionately and gently in the media as unrelated one-off events, instead of as parts of a pattern of astonishing psycho-pathology that has existed for decades. Worse, the heart-breaking litany of resulting human misery is almost completely suppressed and thus unknown.
The largest players in the pharmaceutical industry like Sanofi, Pfizer, and many of the remainder, are owned by Jews, one reason the legacy media ensure that the ultimate beneficial owner-criminals are almost never identified. Rothschild’s Sanofi (and all its brethren) are the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world. For COVID-19 vaccines, the Jerusalem Post boasted that a Greek Jew, Albert Bourla heads Pfizer, and Moderna’s medical chief, Dr. Tal Zaks, is an Israeli Jew. (1) The Sackler family who brought us Oxycontin and the opioid crisis, are Jews. Nestlé, who are heavily invested in related products like baby milk, are responsible for millions of infant deaths and one of the four most-boycotted firms in the world, (2) but public awareness is sorely lacking because it is a Jewish company heavily protected by the world’s legacy media. Monsanto is another.
By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021
The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)