Wednesday, July 27, 2022

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — The American Dream — July 26, 2022


 The American Dream

By Larry Romanoff, July 26, 2022



The US has one of the most deeply-ingrained nationalistic ideologies of any nation. Accompanying the grand mass hysterias of patriotism and freedom, one of the most pervasive links in the ideological chain that creates the American sense of identity is a belief in "The American Dream", an imaginary ideal that offers a rags-to-riches path to prosperity. In this mythical universe, all opportunity is equally available to every citizen, in a land where even those with no credentials, education or experience can accumulate untold riches and even rise to become the president of the country. In this context, America is a fantastic utopian myth promoted by the propaganda machine as an idealistic Shangri-la concept of opportunity and hope, where even the most disadvantaged have a fair chance at wealth and fame.


Americans almost universally believe they are unique in this regard, the US virtually defining itself as the land of opportunity, but this has always been a delusion. While it may be true that the US has accumulated comparatively more wealthy individuals than other nations, and which status has been broadcast to the world as evidence of virtue, this is much more an indictment of the predatory and anti-social nature of American-style capitalism than of equity and opportunity. It is true that the uniquely predatory form of American capitalism will create some kinds of opportunities that do not exist in other countries, but we can develop a very strong argument that those kinds should not be permitted to exist. Let's not erase 2008 from our memories too soon. Moreover, there have been precious few large personal fortunes created in the US that were not accompanied by the commitment of even greater crimes, and the executives of a great many US multinationals from the Rockefeller's United Fruit Company and Standard Oil to Coca-Cola and Wal-Mart should have faced trial and been executed for crimes against humanity.


Monday, July 25, 2022

CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 美国战俘营 — 2020年6月1日

Prisoner of War Camps in America









德国  英语  西班牙人 意大利语  荷兰  葡萄牙语  斯文斯




在美国加入第一次世界大战之前,由沃尔特·利普曼(Walter Lippman)和爱德华·伯奈斯(Edward Bernays)领导的克里尔委员会(Creel Commission)发起了长达数年的反德宣传运动,后者是西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)的侄子。 (1) (2)公共文学攻击了美国的一切德国人,包括学校和教堂。许多学校禁止向“纯正的美国人”教授德语,并敦促管理人员解雇“所有不忠的教师”,即任何德国人。无数城镇的名称被更改,以消除其德国血统:爱荷华州的柏林成为爱荷华州的林肯。德国食品和食品名称从餐馆中清除;泡菜变成了“自由卷心菜”;腊肠犬成为“自由犬”,德国牧羊犬成为“阿尔萨斯人”。





Sunday, July 24, 2022

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Superficial America — July 24, 2022


Superficial America


By Larry Romanoff, July 24, 2022




If we were to try to identify one point in US history where superficiality took root in America, it might well be a speech by an American salesman named Elmer Wheeler who in 1937 coined the now-famous maxim of "Don’t sell the steak - sell the sizzle!". For those who don't know, the sizzle is the sound made by a steak when it is first tossed onto a hot barbeque. His idea had merit. Looking at a photo of a steak or listening to a radio commercial about steaks would be unlikely to generate much immediate purchasing response, but hearing that sound might well recall fond memories and persuade shoppers to head for the supermarket. His theory was that it isn't the simple product that generates a purchase but rather our emotional response to some element of that product.


Saturday, July 9, 2022

IT -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- Capitan America – L’uomo con due teste -- March 20, 2021


Capitan America – L’uomo con due teste


Di Larry Romanoff per il Saker Blog, 20 marzo 2021

Tradotto da Elvia Politi





Se il precedente saggio intitolato “Se l’America si dissolve…” era l’introduzione alla serie di articoli su Bernays e la Propaganda, questo articolo ne costituisce l’epilogo.


Qui ripercorrerò in breve alcune osservazioni fatte in precedenza al fine di sviluppare un elemento che ha bisogno di una ulteriore trattazione.


Nell’articolo intitolato “La sindrome dell’Utopia” ho citato la teoria di Elizabeth Anderson su ciò che io chiamo “La maschera della propaganda”. Questa teoria afferma che, quando le idee politiche o la “storia ufficiale” divergono troppo dalla realtà, gli ideali o la narrativa ufficiale diventano loro stessi una sorta di maschera che ci impedisce di percepire il divario. Quando la dottrina della propaganda è troppo lontana dalla verità fattuale, le vittime perdono la loro capacità di distinguere la realtà dalla finzione e diventano incapaci di riconoscere la discrepanza tra i loro ideali e le loro azioni o tra le loro convinzione e la verità. Nello stesso articolo ho delineato come gli Americani siano colpevoli di ciò che io definisco la “sindrome dell’utopia”: essi, infatti, non si confrontano con il mondo reale delle loro azioni ma con un qualche standard utopico di ideali che esistono solo nella loro immaginazione, un mondo fatto di fantasie e illusioni distinte dalla realtà. Successivamente, ho trattato la mentalità in bianco e nero che pervade l’America, il risultato della loro cristianità e il lavoro di Bernays, i cui metodi di manipolazione dell’opinione pubblica hanno creato un tipo di mentalità binaria. Bernays ha affermato che un sovraccarico emotivo nella sua propaganda può produrre nelle sue vittime solo una limitata gamma di potenti risposte emotive, forzando il passaggio emotivo in una modalità binaria “on/off”, senza nessun’altra alternativa.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 乌克兰:普京、教皇和韦恩·格雷茨基 — 2022年2月28日









 我是在阅读了西方世界所有媒体关于卡米拉·瓦利耶娃(Kamila Valieva)和俄罗斯在奥运会上的数千篇文章后对自己做出这一评论的。但当卡米拉(Kamila)跌到第二位时,我几乎没说出口,被弗拉基米尔·普京(VladimirPutin)和俄罗斯(再次)取代。







What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


L.Romanoff´s interview