翻译者: 珍珠
特尼狄(核试验)。爆炸和随后的蘑菇云 Gadget的爆炸和随后产生的蘑菇云,估计产量为25千吨TNT。资料来源
Trinity (nuclear test).Detonation and subsequent mushroom cloud
of Gadget, with an estimated yield of 25 kilotons of TNT. Source
Vannevar Bush,
James B. Conant, Major General Leslie Groves and Colonel Franklin Matthias
visiting the Hanford site for production of plutonium-239, Jul 1945, Benton
County, Washington, United States.SOURCE
William Laurence
(left) and J. Robert Oppenheimer at the Trinity Site in September 1945, as part
of a “press safari” to the ruins of the first atomic test. I find the contrasts
in their physiognomical contrast fascinating. Source
President Elect
Franklin Delano Roosevelt talk with Bernard Baruch in Warm Springs, Georgia,
shortly after FDR's election. Source
Secretary of War
Henry Stimson shakes hands with Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as they say good-bye.
of the S-1 project (Manhattan Committee) sharing a lighter moment as they
discuss the feasibility of the 184-inch cyclotron at Berkeley, California,
United States, 29 Mar 1940. Source
此后,犹太人试图将原子弹的责任推给其他人。我看过几篇犹太人的文章,声称真正是恩里科·费米领导了原子弹的研发,而这种说法完全是谎言。罗斯福的确向费米提供了10万美元来领导这个开发项目,但我看到了费米写给罗斯福的一封信的副本,信中拒绝了这个提议,并表示不应该允许存在如此邪恶的东西 [1a]。有充分的证据表明,希特勒曾禁止他的科学家研究这种可怕的武器,我们有很多证据表明,许多犹太物理学家移民到美国,正是因为他们认为自己在美国会得到比在德国好得多的待遇。这些犹太物理学家渴望研制原子弹。
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的犹太支持者和修正主义辩护者发起了一场声势浩大的运动,否认他对发展原子弹的强烈支持,在我们虚构的历史书中,他们把爱因斯坦描绘成“和平的人”。但我有爱因斯坦的信件副本,他在信中表示,他坚信美国不仅应该建造原子弹,而且应该向少数不受欢迎的外国“展示”原子弹。爱因斯坦在写给美国总统罗斯福的一封信中写道, “因此,可能会制造出一种威力极大的新型炸弹。一枚由船只携带并在港口爆炸的这种炸弹,很可能会摧毁整个港口和周围的一些领土。我相信,创造条件,以更快的速度和更大的规模开展这项工作,是明智和紧迫的因此,在爱因斯坦看来,制造这些武器不仅是明智和紧迫的,而且应该更快、更大规模地完成,制造出比当时美国军方想象的更多、更大的炸弹。
staged photo of physicists Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd recreating their
collaboration on a 1939 letter to Franklin Roosevelt urging the development of
atomic weapons. Source
这一声明是爱因斯坦写给罗斯福的一封信的一部分,信中建议让他(爱因斯坦)承担管理该项目的“任务”。罗斯福拒绝了爱因斯坦管理甚至参与该项目的强烈请求,因为这是一个公开的秘密,没有人信任他,联邦调查局也对他进行了广泛的调查,一份名为“机密”的文件称,司法部长和国会曾援引爱因斯坦的说法,称他在政治上有嫌疑。然而,2017年,《国家地理》杂志发表了一篇关于爱因斯坦的文章,称胡佛和联邦调查局鄙视爱因斯坦,并建立了一份长达1400页的关于爱因斯坦的档案,因为“这位世界著名的物理学家直言不讳地反对核弹”。这再次表明,历史是如何变得无法从真实的事实中辨认出来的。[3][4] 事实上,《国家地理》不应该像过去那样受到尊重,因为它是世界上最糟糕的歪曲历史事实和真相的出版物之一。
我们应该问问,这些有资金资助世界上第一颗原子弹研发的“私人”是谁,以及他们为什么想亲自资助这样一个种族灭绝项目。爱因斯坦没有提到这些人的名字,但他们肯定是犹太人,在欧洲(20世纪30年代)有足够的钱为一个科学项目提供开放式的资金,这个项目的成本未知、不可知,但显然是巨大的。[6] 这笔钱只能来自罗斯柴尔德家族和伦敦金融城的犹太银行家。这个提议并不小:在20世纪40年代,该项目的成本超过20亿美元,所以我们可以再次问,谁有资金资助这样一个项目。这一提议并非出于爱国主义,而是出于获得经济利益的前景,以及对技术和这种“科学”应用的控制。因此,我们可以进一步质疑,谁会拥有这项技术,谁会成为这项大规模个人“投资”的潜在受害者。你可以理解为什么这样的项目会被放在我们历史书的空白页上。
Former NRA
Economist sees President, Washington, D.C., Aug. 10. Alexander Sachs, former
Blue Eagle Economist at the White House today after a long conference with
President Roosevelt. He declined to reveal the subject of their talk. Harris
& Ewing, photographer. [1936] August 12. Library of Congress, Prints &
Photographs Division. //hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/hec.33514. Source
爱因斯坦认为,这种“私人融资”将使研究人员摆脱只依赖大学研究部门微薄资金的局限。他说,作为项目经理,他的任务之一将是:通过提供资金,加快目前在大学实验室预算范围内进行的实验工作。通过他与愿意为这项事业做出贡献的个人的联系,他在下面的一封信中写道,“有了这样一个框架和必要的资金,它(大规模实验和实际应用的探索)可以比大学实验室和政府部门的松散合作快得多。”爱因斯坦写给罗斯福的信由亚历山大·萨克斯转交,他是罗斯柴尔德家族的一名俄罗斯犹太人和推销员,“显然经常在白宫给罗斯福送大笔现金”。罗纳德·克拉克(Ronald Clark,爱因斯坦,《生活与时报》,1971年出版,雅芳出版社)说,“萨克斯也曾是拉扎德·弗雷尔斯和雷曼兄弟的顾问,这两家国际犹太银行都是这样的。萨克斯把爱因斯坦的信交给白宫,让罗斯福知道,罗斯柴尔德家族批准了这个项目,并希望他全速推进。
Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and
his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics
websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language
platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman.
He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and
owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor
at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international
affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently
writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is
one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China
Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons): https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/2187/.
His full archive
can be seen at
https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/
He can be contacted
[1] The Secret
History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins;
[1] 尤斯塔斯·C·马林斯的《原子弹的秘密史》;
[1a] Enrico Fermi
After the war,
Fermi was appointed to the General Advisory Committee for the Atomic Energy Commission.
In October 1949, the commission met to discuss the development of the hydrogen
bomb. Fermi was appalled at the prospect, however, and later co-authored an
addendum to the committee's report condemning the H-bomb in the harshest
language. When President Harry S. Truman ordered the development of the
bomb—ignoring Fermi's and others' warnings—Fermi returned to Los Alamos, New
Mexico, to help with the calculations, hoping to prove that making a superbomb
wasn't possible.
[2] https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/03/GettyImages-3090794.jpg
[5] 00 carta 2
[5] 00卡塔2
[6] In the end, the
Manhattan Project cost the US military between US$2 and US$3 billion, in
dollars of the day.
[6] 最终,曼哈顿项目让美军损失了20亿至30亿美元(按当日美元计)。
[7] The Secret
History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins;
[7] 尤斯塔斯·C·马林斯的《原子弹的秘密史》;
Trinity and Manhattan Project Timeline
Austrian physicists Lise
Meitner and Otto Frisch successfully achieved nuclear fission in an
experiment in Sweden. 奥地利物理学家莉丝·梅特纳和奥托·弗里施在瑞典的一次实验中成功地实现了核裂变。 |
Uranium atom was split for
the first time at Columbia University in the United States. 铀原子在美国哥伦比亚大学首次被分裂。 |
President Franklin Roosevelt
approved atomic research efforts in the US. 富兰克林·罗斯福总统批准了美国的原子能研究工作。 |
In a letter written by Leó Szilárd
and signed by Albert Einstein, the two physicists urged US President Franklin
Roosevelt to allocate funding for atomic weapons research. 两位物理学家在一封由莱斯拉德撰写、阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦签名的信中敦促美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福为原子武器研究拨款。 |
Leó Szilárd and Albert
Einstein's letter (sent on 2 Aug 1939) reached Franklin Roosevelt, who agreed
to establish a committee for the research of nuclear energy as a weapon. This
led to Roosevelt's decision to establish the Uranium Advisory Committee
shortly after. 莱斯拉德和阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的信(1939年8月2日发出)传到了富兰克林·罗斯福手中,罗斯福同意成立一个研究核能作为武器的委员会。此后不久,罗斯福决定成立铀咨询委员会。 |
The Uranium Advisory
Committee in the United States, headed by Lyman Briggs of the National Bureau
of Standards, met for the first time. The committee had a budget of US$6,000
at this time. 由美国国家标准局的莱曼·布里格斯领导的美国铀咨询委员会举行了首次会议。委员会当时的预算为6000美元。 |
Henry Tizard established the
Military Application of Uranium Detonation (MAUD) Committee in the United
Kingdom to investigate the feasibility of an atomic weapon. 亨利·蒂扎德在英国成立了铀爆炸军事应用委员会,以调查原子武器的可行性。 |
The responsibility for
nuclear fission research in the United States was transferred to the National
Defense Research Committee under Vannevar Bush. 美国核裂变研究的责任移交给了瓦内瓦尔·布什领导的国防研究委员会。 |
Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg
chemically identified the recently discovered new element Plutonium in the
60-inch cyclotron at the University of California at Berkeley, California,
United States. 美国加州大学伯克利分校的Glenn T.Seaborg博士用化学方法鉴定了最近在60英寸回旋加速器中发现的新元素钚。 |
American scientists Glenn
Seaborg and Arthur Wahl discovered Plutonium. 美国科学家格伦·西伯格和阿瑟·瓦尔发现了钚。 |
Arthur Compton and the
United States National Academy of Sciences published a report noting the
success rate of developing an atomic weapon was favorable. On the same day,
Vannevar Bush created the Office of Scientific Research and Development
(OSRD). 阿瑟·康普顿和美国国家科学院发表了一份报告,指出研制原子武器的成功率是有利的。同一天,范尼瓦尔·布什创立了科学研究与发展办公室。 |
The British Military
Application of Uranium Detonation (MAUD) Committee assigned the
responsibility of writing its final draft of the report of its findings on
the development of atomic weapons to James Chadwick. 英国军事应用铀爆炸委员会将撰写其关于原子武器发展的调查结果报告的最终草稿的责任交给了詹姆斯·查德威克。 |
The British Military
Application of Uranium Detonation (MAUD) Committee issued its final report on
atomic weapons. 英国军事应用铀爆炸委员会发布了关于原子武器的最终报告。 |
At a conference in
Copenhagen, Denmark, German physicist Werner Heisenberg warned his mentor
Niels Bohr that Germany had embarked on atomic weapon research and gave him a
drawing of a reactor as proof. 在丹麦哥本哈根举行的一次会议上,德国物理学家维尔纳·海森堡警告他的导师尼尔斯·玻尔,德国已经开始进行原子武器研究,并给了他一张反应堆的图纸作为证据。 |
The official copy of the
British Military Application of Uranium Detonation (MAUD) Committee Report,
written by James Chadwick, reached Vannevar Bush. 詹姆斯·查德威克撰写的英国铀爆炸军事应用委员会报告的正式副本送达了瓦内瓦尔·布什。 |
Vannevar Bush met with
President Franklin Roosevelt and Vice-President Henry Wallace about the
progress of the Uranium Committee. Bush described the progress of the British
Military Application of Uranium Detonation (MAUD) Committee and what was known
about what progress the Germans were making. Roosevelt approved an expedited
atomic program and a Top Policy Group that included Wallace and Bush to
control it. 瓦内瓦尔·布什与富兰克林·罗斯福总统和亨利·华莱士副总统就铀委员会的进展进行了会晤。布什描述了英国军事应用铀爆炸委员会的进展,以及人们对德国人正在取得的进展的了解。罗斯福批准了一项快速原子能计划,以及一个由华莱士和布什组成的高层政策小组来控制该计划。 |
Vannevar Bush and Arthur
Compton assigned Harold Urey to develop research into gaseous diffusion as a
uranium enrichment method and Ernest Lawrence to investigate electromagnetic
separation methods. 范尼瓦尔·布什和阿瑟·康普顿指派哈罗德·乌里开展气体扩散作为铀浓缩方法的研究,欧内斯特·劳伦斯则负责研究电磁分离方法。 |
The S-1 Section of the
United States Office of Scientific Research and Development, the forerunner
of the Manhattan Project, held its first meeting. 曼哈顿计划的前身美国科学研究与发展办公室的S-1部门举行了首次会议。 |
The US Office of Scientific
Research and Development (OSRD) S-1 Executive Committee held a meeting to
discuss the location of manufacturing facilities for the Manhattan Project. 美国科学研究与发展办公室S-1执行委员会举行了一次会议,讨论曼哈顿项目的制造设施位置。 |
Chief Engineer of the Manhattan
District Colonel James C. Marshall and his deputy Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth
Nichols surveyed the Knoxville, Tennessee, United States region for suitable
sites for Manhattan Project manufacturing, but they were not entirely
satisfied by the sites presented to them by the Tennessee Valley Authority. 曼哈顿区的总工程师詹姆斯·C·马歇尔上校和他的副中校肯尼斯·尼科尔斯在美国田纳西州诺克斯维尔地区进行了调查,寻找适合曼哈顿项目制造的场地,但他们对田纳西河谷管理局提供给他们的场地并不完全满意。 |
Oppenhheimer was selected to
head the atomic bomb research efforts. 奥本海默被选为原子弹研究工作的负责人。 |
At a meeting of the S-1
Section Executive Committee of the United States Office of Scientific
Research and Development (OSRD), a decision was reached to build a laboratory
to study fast neutrons. This study was to be codenamed Project Y. 在美国科学研究与发展办公室S-1部门执行委员会的一次会议上,决定建造一个研究快中子的实验室。这项研究的代号是Y项目。 |
Leslie Groves was given
charge of overseeing the Manhattan Project. 莱斯利·格罗夫斯负责监督曼哈顿项目。 |
Leslie Groves purchased 210
square kilometers (52,000 acres) of land in Tennessee, United States. Also
known as Site X, it would soon become the Oak Ridge site of the Manhattan
Project. 莱斯利·格罗夫斯在美国田纳西州购买了210平方公里(5.2万英亩)的土地。它也被称为X地块,很快就会成为曼哈顿项目的橡树岭地块。 |
The Manhattan Project was given
permission to use the highest wartime priority rating by the United States
War Production Board. 曼哈顿项目得到了美国战争生产委员会的许可,可以使用战时最高优先级。 |
The Ohio River Division of
the US Army Corps of Engineers opened up an office in Harriman, Tennessee,
United States to begin acquiring land, by purchase and the implementation of
Eminent Domain, for Site X of the Manhattan Project. 美国陆军工程兵团俄亥俄河分部在美国田纳西州哈里曼开设了一个办公室,通过购买和实施征用权,开始为曼哈顿项目的X地块收购土地。 |
The District Court for the
Eastern District of Tennessee, United States issued an order to take
possession of land for Site X of the Manhattan Project. 美国田纳西州东区地方法院发布命令,征用曼哈顿项目X地块的土地。 |
Robert Oppenheimer was
appointed, by Leslie Groves, to coordinate the scientific research of the
Manhattan Project at Site Y, a location yet to be finalized. 莱斯利·格罗夫斯任命罗伯特·奥本海默负责协调位于Y地点的曼哈顿项目的科学研究工作。Y地点尚未确定。 |
Groves and Oppenheimer
visited Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States and agreed that it was suitable
as the location for Site Y for the Manhattan Project. 格罗夫斯和奥本海默访问了美国新墨西哥州的洛斯阿拉莫斯市,并一致认为该市适合作为曼哈顿项目Y地块的选址。 |
Enrico Fermi's atomic
reactor Chicago Pile-1 at the University of Chicago, Illinois, United States
initiated the world's first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. 美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥大学的恩里科·费米原子反应堆芝加哥一号堆启动了世界上第一个自我维持的核连锁反应。 |
The construction for a large
electromagnetic separation plant for enriching uranium, codenamed Y-12, began
construction at Manhattan Project's Oak Ridge site in Tennessee, United
States. 一座代号为Y-12的大型铀浓缩电磁分离厂的建设始于曼哈顿项目位于美国田纳西州橡树岭的工厂。 |
Construction began on the
first full-scale plutonium production reactor in the world at Hanford,
Washington, United States. 世界上第一座全尺寸钚生产反应堆在美国华盛顿州汉福德开工建设。 |
Access to the Clinton
Engineer Works facilities in Tennessee, United States became strictly
controlled. 克林顿工程师工厂在美国田纳西州的设施受到严格控制。 |
As discussed in the Quebec
Conference between US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill, British scientists, including Klaus Fuchs, were to join
the Manhattan Project. 正如美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福和英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔在魁北克会议上讨论的那样,包括克劳斯·福斯在内的英国科学家将加入曼哈顿项目。 |
Construction began for the
first nuclear reactor at the Hanford Site of the Manhattan Project in
Washington, United States. 位于美国华盛顿的曼哈顿项目汉福德的第一座核反应堆开工建设。 |
An American B-29 bomber
dropped a dummy atomic bomb at Muroc Army Air Force Base in California,
United States at the altitude of 24,000 feet. The test bomb considerably
damaged the aircraft's bomb bay doors as it exited the aircraft. 一架美国B-29轰炸机在美国加利福尼亚州的穆洛克陆军空军基地的24000英尺高空投下了一枚假原子弹。试验炸弹在离开飞机时严重损坏了飞机的舱门。 |
At Los Alamos, New Mexico,
United States, Emilio Segrè received the first sample of reactor-refined
plutonium from Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States. He would soon discover
that the spontaneous fission rate of this plutonium was too high for use in a
gun-type fission weapon. 在美国新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯,埃米利奥·塞格雷收到了来自美国田纳西州橡树岭的第一批反应堆精炼钚样本。他很快就会发现,这种钚的自发裂变率太高,无法用于枪式裂变武器。 |
J. Robert Oppenheimer
revealed Emilio Segrè's final measurements to the Manhattan Project
scientists at Los Alamos, New Mexico, which concluded that the "Thin
Man" design for a gun-type plutonium weapon was not feasible. K. J·罗伯特·奥本海默向位于新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯的曼哈顿项目科学家透露了埃米利奥·塞格雷的最终测量结果,该项目的科学家得出结论认为,枪式钚武器的“瘦人”设计不可行。 |
The staff at the Los Alamos
site of the Manhattan Project shifted focus to work on the implosion
mechanism for the atomic bomb. 曼哈顿项目洛斯阿拉莫斯基地的工作人员将注意力转移到了原子弹的内爆机制上。 |
The first preliminary test
of the RaLa Experiment was performed by the scientists of the Manhattan
Project; it was the first in a series of experiments attempting to create a
spherical implosion to detonate a nuclear weapon. RaLa实验的第一个初步测试是由曼哈顿项目的科学家进行的;这是一系列试图制造球形内爆引爆核武器的实验中的第一个。 |
While attempting to unclog a
uranium enrichment device at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania, United
States for the Manhattan Project, chemists Peter Bragg, Douglas Meigs, and
Arnold Kramish accidentally set of an explosion, which sprayed liquid uranium
hexafluoride and hydrofuoric acid on them. Bragg and Meigs were killed, while
Kramish and two soldliers, George LeFevre and John Tompkins, were seriously
injured. 化学家彼得·布拉格、道格拉斯·梅格斯和阿诺德·克拉米什试图为曼哈顿项目打开美国宾夕法尼亚州费城海军造船厂的铀浓缩装置时,意外引发了爆炸,将液态六氟化铀和氢氟酸喷洒在他们身上。布拉格和梅格斯身亡,克拉米什和两名士兵乔治·莱弗尔和约翰·汤普金斯严重受伤。 |
The first RaLa Experiment of
the Manhattan Project with a radioactive source was performed. 曼哈顿项目的第一个RaLa实验是用放射源进行的。 |
The US Army Air Forces
established the 509th Composite Group for atomic weapon delivery. 美国陆军航空兵组建了第509合成群,负责发射原子武器。 |
The RaLa Experiment of the
Manhattan Project yielded evidence that spherical implosion was possible for
compression of the plutonium pit of an atomic bomb. 曼哈顿项目的RaLa实验得出的证据表明,球形内爆可能会压缩原子弹的钚弹芯。 |
The newly established USAAF
509th Composite Group was activated. The group's mission was to deliver
atomic weapons. 新成立的USAAF509th综合小组被激活。该组织的任务是运送原子武器。 |
The RaLa Experiment of the
Manhattan Project conducted its first test using exploding bridgewire
detonators. 曼哈顿项目的RaLa实验首次使用爆炸桥丝雷管进行了试验。 |
The RaLa Experiment of the
Manhattan Project conducted its second test using exploding bridgewire
detonators. 曼哈顿项目的RaLa实验使用爆炸桥丝雷管进行了第二次试验。 |
A Japanese Fu-Go balloon
came down across electrical lines in Toppenish, Washington causing a power
outage. Although not widely known for another ten years, the outage shut down
the reactor at the Hanford, Washington facility of the Manhattan Project.
Back-up systems quickly restored power but it would take another three days
for the reactors to reach full capacity again. A burned balloon envelope,
shroud lines, and ballast dropping equipment were recovered from the downed
balloon. At almost the same time, another complete Fu-Go balloon bomb
grounded near Cold Creek, Washington, very near the Hanford site. 一个日本Fu Go气球从华盛顿托潘尼什的电线上坠落,导致停电。尽管在接下来的十年里没有广为人知,但这起事故关闭了曼哈顿项目位于华盛顿汉福德的核反应堆。备用系统很快恢复了电力供应,但反应堆需要再过三天才能再次满负荷运行。从坠落的气球上找到了一个烧焦的气球外壳、围带和压载物投放设备。几乎与此同时,另一枚完整的Fu Go气球炸弹在华盛顿州Cold
Creek附近搁浅,离汉福德核电站非常近。 |
More than 300 American B-29
bombers attacked various targets in and near Tokyo, Japan. The smaller of the
two cyclotrons at the Riken Institute was destroyed. 300多架美国B-29轰炸机袭击了日本东京及其附近的多个目标。理研研究所的两颗回旋加速器中较小的一颗被摧毁了。 |
James Franck and other
Metallurgical Laboratory scientists issued the Franck Report, arguing for a
demonstration of an atomic bomb before using it against an enemy target. 詹姆斯·弗兰克和其他冶金实验室科学家发表了弗兰克的报告,主张在对敌方目标使用原子弹之前先演示一枚原子弹。 |
The civilian Monsanto
company took over the operation of the Clinton Laboratories at Site X of the
Manhattan Project in Tennessee, United States. 民用孟山都公司接管了位于美国田纳西州曼哈顿项目X地点的克林顿实验室的运营。 |
In Operation Trinity, the
Americans successfully detonated an atomic bomb at Alamogordo Bombing Range
in New Mexico, United States. The test blast created temperatures 10,000
times the surface temperature of the sun and was felt 200 miles away. The
explosion was the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT and throws a column of
fire and smoke 35,000 feet into the night sky. The authorities hid the blast
by claiming that an ammunition dump had gone up. 在三一行动中,美国人成功地在美国新墨西哥州阿拉莫戈多爆炸场引爆了一枚原子弹。试验爆炸产生的温度是太阳表面温度的1万倍,在200英里外就能感觉到。这次爆炸相当于2万吨TNT炸药的爆炸,向3.5万英尺(约合3.5万米)的夜空投掷了一道火柱和烟雾。当局声称一个弹药堆已经被炸毁,以此掩盖了爆炸。 |
US President Harry Truman
informed Soviet leader Joseph Stalin that the United States had successfully
constructed atomic weapons. Stalin showed surprise, but in actuality he had
already learned this through the Soviet intelligence network. 美国总统哈里·杜鲁门告诉苏联领导人约瑟夫·斯大林,美国已经成功地制造了原子武器。斯大林表现出了惊讶,但实际上他已经通过苏联情报网了解到了这一点。 |
While at Potsdam, Germany,
US President Harry Truman issued instructions for the atomic bombing of
Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, or Nagasaki in Japan; the target date was set for
some time after 3 Aug. 在德国波茨坦,美国总统哈里·杜鲁门发布了对日本广岛、小仓、新泻或长崎进行原子弹轰炸的指示;目标日期定在8月3日之后一段时间。 |
Hiroshima, Japan was
destroyed by the first atomic bomb, "Little Boy". About 70,000 to
80,000 were killed immediately, while about 70,000 were injured. 日本广岛被第一颗原子弹“小男孩”摧毁。约7万至8万人立即死亡,约7万人受伤。 |
B-29 bomber Bockscar dropped
the atomic bomb "Fat Man" on the city of Nagasaki, Japan, killing
40,000 to 75,000 immediately. B-29 bombers The Great Artiste and Big Stink
flew on Bockscar’s wing. The Great Artiste carried scientific measuring
equipment and Bing Stink carried photography equipment. B-29轰炸机Bockscar在日本长崎投下了原子弹“胖子”,立即造成4万至7万人死亡。B-29轰炸机《伟大的艺术家》和《大臭味》在博克斯卡尔的机翼上飞行。这位伟大的艺术家携带科学的测量设备,冰臭携带摄影设备。 |
The Smyth Report, written by
American physicist Henry DeWolf Smyth, with the history of the development of
the atomic weapons, was released to the public. 这份由美国物理学家亨利·德沃尔夫·斯迈思撰写的报告向公众公布了原子武器的发展历史。 |
Robert Oppenheimer resigned
as the director of the Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States facility of the
Manhattan Project. 罗伯特·奥本海默辞去了曼哈顿项目在美国新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯工厂的主任职务。 |
Norris Bradbury succeeded
Robert Oppenheimer as the director of the Los Alamos, New Mexico, United
States facility of the Manhattan Project. 诺里斯·布拉德伯里接替罗伯特·奥本海默担任曼哈顿项目的美国设施新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯的主任。 |
United States Secretary of
War Robert Patterson ordered all cyclotrons in Japan destroyed. 美国国务卿罗伯特·帕特森下令销毁日本的所有回旋加速器。 |
Per orders of United States
Secretary of War Robert Patterson, all cyclotrons in Japan were destroyed. 根据美国国务卿罗伯特·帕特森的命令,日本所有的回旋加速器都被摧毁了。 |
Private medical practices
were allowed at Site X of the Manhattan Project in Tennessee, United States. 美国田纳西州曼哈顿项目的X地点允许私人执业。 |
Union Carbide, the civilian
firm charged with the running of plants K-25, Y-12, and X-10 at Site X of the
Manhattan Project in Tennessee, United States, signed a contract with the
union United Chemical Workers. 联合碳化物公司是一家民用公司,负责在美国田纳西州曼哈顿项目的X地点运营K-25、Y-12和X-10工厂。该公司与联合化工工人联合会签署了一份合同。 |
Monsanto, the civilian firm
charged with the running of the Clinton Laboratories at Site X of the
Manhattan Project in Tennessee, United States, signed a contract with the
union Atomic Trades and Labor Council. 孟山都是一家民用公司,负责管理位于美国田纳西州曼哈顿项目X地点的克林顿实验室。孟山都与美国联邦原子能贸易和劳工委员会签署了一份合同。 |
The Manhattan Project was
brought to a close. 曼哈顿项目结束了。 |
The Atomic Energy Act of
1946, signed into American law by US President Harry Truman on 1 Aug 1946,
came into effect. Manhattan Project was thus turned over to the newly
established civilian United States Atomic Energy Commission. 1946年8月1日,美国总统哈里·杜鲁门签署了1946年的《原子能法》,并将其纳入美国法律。曼哈顿项目因此被移交给了新成立的民用美国原子能委员会。 |
The military hospital at the
Oak Ridge site of the Manhattan Project in Tennessee, United States was
transferred to civilian control by the Roanne-Anderson Company, a subsidiary
of the Turner Construction Company. 位于美国田纳西州曼哈顿项目橡树岭工地的军事医院由特纳建筑公司的子公司罗安·安德森公司移交给文职控制。 |
The residential and
commercial sections of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States were opened to
public access for the first time. 美国田纳西州橡树岭的住宅和商业区首次向公众开放。 Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2023 |