Sunday, December 29, 2024
Thursday, December 26, 2024
RO — LARRY ROMANOFF: În apărarea teoreticienilor conspirației

În apărarea teoreticienilor conspirației
Traducerea: CD
Imagine generate de . Faptele sunt raportate aici:
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
DE — LARRY ROMANOFF: Juden als bösartige, psychopathische Gangster – Teil 1 — Ernst Zündel und die Schande Kanadas
Juden als bösartige, psychopathische Gangster – Teil 1 — Jews as Vicious Psychopathic Gangsters — Part 1
Ernst Zündel und die Schande Kanadas — Ernst Zündel and Canada’s Shame
Von Larry Romanoff — By Larry Romanoff
Wichtiger Hinweis für die Leser:Important Notice to Readers:
Saturday, December 21, 2024
EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: In Defense of Conspiracy Theorists
In Defense of Conspiracy Theorists
AI generate image. The fact is reported here.
“Conspiracy theory” is the name given to public perceptions or beliefs that differ from the official (usually government) story about an event, and where a significant portion of the public believes the government is hiding some or all of the truth. Conspiracy theories generally arise when justified, which means when the official story isn’t supported by the facts and is often riddled with inconsistencies, where the presented facts range from implausible to impossible, when the story repeatedly changes, where the logic is flawed and the pieces just don’t fit together. So, when the facts don’t add up, when the story doesn’t make sense, we believe we are being lied to yet again. And we probably are.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
BL — LARRY ROMANOFF: Евреите като жестоки психопатични гангстери — Част 1 — Ернст Зюндел и срамът на Канада
Евреите като жестоки психопатични гангстери Част 1
Ернст Зюндел и срамът на Канада
Важно известие към читателитe:
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
RO — LARRY ROMANOFF: Evreii ca gangster psihopatici – Partea a I-a — Ernst Zündel si Rusinea Canadei

Evreii ca gangster psihopatici – Partea a I-a
Ernst Zündel si Rusinea Canadei
De Larry Romanoff
Traducerea: CD
Anunț important pentru cititori:
Atașez acest paragraf introductiv la acest articol la trei zile după ce articolul a fost publicat pentru prima dată și postat pe internet.
Acest articol conține aproximativ 110 referințe, fiecare cu un link către un document justificativ. La trei zile după postarea acestui articol, 20% sau 25% din toate linkurile erau moarte; articolele de referință fuseseră șterse de pe site-urile web. Acest lucru a fost valabil mai ales în cazul site-urilor evreiești operate din Israel, dar și în cazul unor publicații occidentale controlate de evrei, printre care Washington Post și altele similare.
Era clar ce s-a întâmplat: Există numeroase organizații evreiești cu nenumărate mii de adepți care lucrează la nivel internațional într-o manieră coordonată, care cercetează în mod constant internetul pentru a găsi tot ceea cê este nefavorabil evreilor sau Israelului și care fac tot posibilul pentru a elimina conținutul respectiv. În acest caz, ei nu au pierdut timpul. Imediat ce acest articol a fost publicat, multe documente folosite ca referințe au fost imediat șterse de pe internet, și acest lucru a fost valide mai ales pentru site-urile evreiești care arătau evreii în cea mai patologică stare a lor.
Link-urile din acest articol au fost lăsate așa cum erau. Informațiile pe care pretindeau să le confirme sau faptele pe care pretindeau să le documenteze erau toate autentice și valide. Dar există oameni care nu vor ca voi să aveți aceste informații.
Am scris alte două articole care tratează în mod special această problemă a „blocadei informaționale”.Vă recomand insistent să le citiți pe amândouă.
Propaganda and the Media — Part 8 —
Information Blockades – How and Why?
Researching, Searching, Sources and References
Thursday, December 12, 2024
EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: Jews as Vicious Psychopathic Gangsters — Part 1 — Ernst Zündel and Canada’s Shame
Jews as Vicious Psychopathic Gangsters — Part 1
Ernst Zündel and Canada’s Shame

Important Notice to Readers:
I am attaching this introductory paragraph to this article three days after the article was first published and posted on the Internet.
This article contains about 110 references, each with a link to a supporting document. Within three days after this article was posted, 20% or 25% of all the links were dead; the reference articles had been deleted from the websites. This was mostly true with Jewish websites operated from Israel, but also in some Jewish-controlled Western publications that included the Washington Post and others similar.
It was clear what had happened: There are numerous Jewish organisations with countless thousands of adherents working internationally in a coordinated fashion, who constantly scour the Internet to find anything unfavorable to Jews or Israel, and who do whatever is possible to remove that content. In this case, they didn’t waste any time. As soon as this article was published, many documents used as references were immediately deleted from the Internet, and this was especially true of the Jewish websites that showed Jews at their pathological worst.
The links in this article have been left as they were. The information they purported to confirm, or the facts they purported to document, were all genuine and valid. But there are people who don’t want you to have that information.
I have written two other articles that particularly deal with this issue of an “Information Blockade”. I strongly recommend you read both of them.
Propaganda and the Media — Part 8 —
Information Blockades – How and Why?
Researching, Searching, Sources and References
Monday, December 9, 2024
BL — LARRY ROMANOFF: Каква роля ще играе вашата страна в Третата световна война?
Каква роля ще играе вашата страна в Третата световна война?
от Лари Романофф
Истинският произход на двете световни войни е заличен от всички учебници по история и заменен с митология. Нито една от двете войни не е започната (или желана) от Германия, но и двете са по инициатива на група европейски евреи ционисти с обявеното намерение за пълно унищожаване на Германия. Документацията е смазваща, а доказателствата – неоспорими.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Monday, December 2, 2024
RO — LARRY ROMANOFF: Națiunile Construite pe Minciuni — Volumul 1 — Capitolul a 6 a – Spionaj si mai multe
Capitolul 1 — Cuvânt înainte, prolog, introducere
Capitolul 2 — Colonizare, muncă și sclavie
Capitolul 3 — Munca si Furtul salariului
Capitolul 4 — Furtul de proprietate intelectuală și copierea
Capitolul 5 — Furtul de bunuri și infracțiunile financiare
Capitolul 6 — Spionaj si mai multe
Națiunile Construite pe Minciuni
Volumul 1
Cum au devenit SUA bogate
Capitolul a 6 a – Spionaj si mai multe
Traducerea: CD
Sunday, December 1, 2024
EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: What is China Really Like? Let’s Meet Some Real People
What is China Really Like?
Let’s Meet Some Real People
Larry Romanoff
is no question that China is in the news today, incessantly, it seems.
Every day, each portion of the Western media contains reports about
something to do with China – the economy, the currency, relations with
the US, trade figures, pollution, progress.
But in the Western media, especially but not exclusively in the English-speaking countries, we seem to have instinctively negative reporting. The majority of that emanates from the Jewish-owned (and some other strongly right-wing media), reflecting their determination to slander China in a “hate campaign” that has now been progressing for years, in attempts to turn the world against the “Axis of Evil” nations that include Russia, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and others. Journalists have freely admitted that writing articles of praise or admiration of China would be “career-ending.”
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What part will your country play in World War III?
By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021
The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)