为阴谋论者辩护 — In Defense of Conspiracy Theorists
作者:拉里·罗曼诺夫 — By Larry Romanoff
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“Conspiracy theory” is the name given to public perceptions or beliefs that differ from the official (usually government) story about an event, and where a significant portion of the public believes the government is hiding some or all of the truth. Conspiracy theories generally arise when justified, which means when the official story isn’t supported by the facts and is often riddled with inconsistencies, where the presented facts range from implausible to impossible, when the story repeatedly changes, where the logic is flawed and the pieces just don’t fit together. So, when the facts don’t add up, when the story doesn’t make sense, we believe we are being lied to yet again. And we probably are.
The label of ‘conspiracy theory’ originated decades ago as part of a deliberate plan to discredit members of the public who questioned the official version of events, those who made public their suspicions of government criminal activity. The plan was to solicit the assistance of the major media to apply the label of ‘conspiracy theorist’ to these individuals as a way to silence them and discourage rational attention to their claims. The process was both decidedly nasty and effective, since the public media attacks strongly suggested these individuals were mentally unbalanced and delusional, the deprecating public attention often being sufficient to ruin a reputation and destroy a career. Today, the expression is often used as a way to dismiss someone as a fool whose ideas are unworthy of attention but, as Mike Adams wrote, “It’s a tactic frequently used by modern-day thought police in a desperate attempt to demand ‘Don’t go there!’”.
The Western media today specialise in attacking and slandering those persons critical of official versions of events or even those attempting to correct obviously-flawed historical accounts or fill in some of the blank pages in our history books. In spite of a never-ending barrage of jingoistic support for the myths of free speech and independent thinking in the Western countries, this independence is heavily circumscribed when it comes to challenging the official government version of any event. As well, any source attempting to document proofs of fact against questionable history or offering factual refutations of official stories, is generally derided in the media and dismissed as a ‘conspiracy website‘, no doubt discouraging many well-meaning readers from perhaps learning the truth of an event.
But these theories are seldom the work of crazed lunatics or the hopelessly naïve. Most often, those promoting these objections are supported by a portion of the public who are most often educated and well-informed, and who have either specialised training or have been part of the establishment and are well-placed to evaluate circumstances. There have been many such events where the official explanation was either nonsense or avoided addressing obvious deficiencies and anomalies. Given their sordid pasts and extensive proven involvement in clandestine illegal acts, it is not difficult to admit the very real possibility that our governments or militaries are lying yet one more time. Why wouldn’t we be suspicious?
These theories almost invariably arise in the “Western-Allied” nations like the US, the UK, and Israel because these governments tell bigger lies much more often than do other governments. Few other populations have had cause for this kind of deep suspicion of the involvement of their governments or espionage agencies in serious crimes or atrocities, and there are few such examples anywhere in the world that did not involve either the US or Israel. At various times, they perpetrate all manner of unsavory or illegal activity and, if exposed, engage in cover-ups, spread misinformation, and attack the characters of their accusers. The truth is admitted only when finally impossible to avoid. This alone should provide much food for thought.
Senator John McCain in Syria. 2013 Behind him is Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the head of ISIS. On the left is Abu Musa, an ISIS officer. Source
Over the years, a great many events in, or involving, these nations, have generated widespread public belief in state-sponsored criminal activity, all of which have been vigorously – and often viciously – denounced at the time, only to be proven true many decades later as documents became declassified. Usually, it is only after 60 or 70 years that the truth emerges, often after the perpetrators are long dead, and much too late to have any effect on current events.
British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer (left) meets with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky for a bilateral meeting at a hotel in Washington ahead of the Nato summit on July 10, 2024 in Washington, DC.
Typically, the various Western governments and their Jewish “Deep State” puppet-masters, and the Jewish-controlled mainstream media, circle the wagons and mount extensive and vicious PR campaigns to discredit those who refuse to accept the official narrative of an important event and, even more importantly, to warn others to “don’t go there”. Individuals are mocked, harassed, threatened, ignored, rendered unemployed and often unemployable, their documentation neglected by the media and their efforts to uncover the truth stymied at every turn.
三个显而易见的例子 — Three Obvious Examples
英国口蹄疫爆发 — The UK Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak
The official story was that “animal-rights activists” had gone into an L-4 biological weapons installation, stolen “a few vials” of some deadly pathogen, and then spread it around the country in such volume that millions of animals had to be killed. And apparently nobody noticed either the theft of the pathogen or the large number of activists spreading disease on farms all over the country.
But the two L-4 labs in the UK (Pirbright and Porton Down) are military bases with security perimeters, guard posts and deadly-force authorization. The chances of anyone entering such a facility, making a theft, and escaping alive, are perilously close to zero. Plus, “a few vials” of pathogen is not quite enough to infect 7 million animals. For that, you would need at least thousands of liters of pathogen, and that would mean driving a 5-tonne truck through the guard post at Porton Down, loading it with several tonnes of pathogen, and driving away without being noticed by anyone. There are many other problems. Nothing about the official story makes any sense, and no rational mind would accept it.
环球航空800航班 — TWA Flight 800
The National Transportation Safety Board has refused to reopen its investigation into the 1996 crash of TWA flight 800, turning down a request from a group that believes the jet was shot down by a missile. Source
TWA Flight 800 took off for Paris from Kennedy Airport in New York City on July 17, 1996, and crashed just 12 minutes later off the coast of Long Island, killing all 230 people on board in one of the deadliest aviation accidents in US history. The official explanation given by the NTSB was that the crash was caused by a spark that ignited a fuel tank explosion, but there were serious doubts about a conspiracy and a cover-up from the very beginning. The entire investigation and aftermath of the tragedy were riddled with inconsistencies, fabrications, intimidation of witnesses and the apparent suppression of evidence.
Many branches of the US government and the main US media made extensive efforts to silence both witnesses to the disaster and critics of the accident investigation. Many witnesses were threatened by government officials and many reporters lost their jobs and saw their careers in ruins when they persisted in pursuing the story. There were so many problems with the official story that provided fuel for the cynics and skeptics, that it is difficult to know where to begin.
For one, Boeing engineers uniformly testified there were no electrical contacts inside the fuel tanks and so the spark theory was a physical impossibility. For the record, and you can check this with any aircraft engineer, nobody – I repeat, nobody – would be so foolish as to design an aircraft with electrical flash points in or anywhere near a fuel tank. To do so would be suicide. We will not likely ever know what really brought down Flight 800, but we know it wasn’t a spark in a fuel tank. Also, hundreds of witnesses, including military specialists, swore they saw a missile fired at the airliner from a US military vessel that was conducting maneuvers in the area.
9·11恐怖袭击 — The 9-11 Attacks
The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie
by Dr. David Ray Griffin (scroll the page of this link until the end)
9/11 委员会报告: 长达 571 页的谎言
The omission of the fact that the west wing of the Pentagon would have
been the least likely spot to be targeted by al-Qaeda terrorists, for
several reasons (33-34).16. 忽略了五角大楼西翼是最不可能成为基地组织恐怖分子袭击目标的地点这一事实,原因有几个(33-34)。
The omission of any discussion of whether the damage done to the
Pentagon was consistent with the impact of a Boeing 757 going several
hundred miles per hour (34).17. 没有讨论五角大楼遭受的破坏是否与时速数百英里的波音 757 飞机的撞击相一致(34)。
The omission of the fact that there are photos showing that the west
wing’s facade did not collapse until 30 minutes after the strike and
also that the entrance hole appears too small for a Boeing 757 to have
entered (34).18.忽略了以下事实:有照片显示,西翼的外墙直到袭击发生 30 分钟后才坍塌,而且入口洞似乎太小,波音 757 无法进入(34)。
The omission of all testimony that has been used to cast doubt on
whether remains of a Boeing 757 were visible either inside or outside
the Pentagon (34-36).19. 省略了所有用来怀疑五角大楼内外是否能看到波音 757 飞机残骸的证词(34-36)。
The omission of any discussion of whether the Pentagon has a
anti-missile defense system that would have brought down a commercial
airliner—even though the Commission suggested that the al-Qaeda
terrorists did not attack a nuclear power plant because they assumed
that it would be thus defended (36).20. 省略了对五角大楼是否拥有可以击落商用客机的反导弹防御系统的任何讨论–尽管委员会认为基地组织恐怖分子没有袭击核电站是因为他们认为核电站会受到这样的防御(36)。
The omission of the fact that pictures from various security
cameras—including the camera at the gas station across from the
Pentagon, the film from which was reportedly confiscated by the FBI
immediately after the strike—could presumably answer the question of
what really hit the Pentagon (37-38).21. 忽略了各种安全摄像机拍摄的照片–包括五角大楼对面加油站的摄像机,据报道该摄像机的胶卷在袭击发生后立即被联邦调查局没收–可能回答了五角大楼到底被什么击中的问题(37-38)。
22. The omission of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s reference to ‘the missile [used] to damage [the Pentagon]’ (39).22. 国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德提到“[用来]摧毁[五角大楼]的导弹”(39)
补充说明:-- Additional note:
The damaged facade of the Pentagon is missing the marks that should have been left by the plane's wings over a distance of 38 meters, as well as the traces of the two Rolls-Royce RB211 engines, or Pratt & Whitney PW2000 engines of 3221 kg for each turbofan under the wing.
五角大楼被破坏的外墙缺少了飞机机翼在 38 米距离上留下的痕迹,以及机翼下两个罗尔斯-罗伊斯 RB211 发动机或普拉特-惠特尼 PW2000 发动机(每个涡轮风扇重 3221 千克)的痕迹。
Let’s just think of the Pentagon. We were told an airliner crashed into the Pentagon, but there was absolutely NO debris of any kind after the supposed crash, other than rubble from the building itself. More than that, there were no bodies, no luggage, no nothing. Zero. The official story was that the airplane “evaporated” when the fuel burned. But Jet-A fuel burns at only 1,000 degrees, insufficient to even melt aluminum, much less evaporate it. And no such event has ever occurred in the history of aviation, not in the many hundreds of plane crashes over the years.
So, we were to believe that a huge airliner crashed into the Pentagon, made only a small round hole maybe 3 meters in diameter, and then evaporated in one “poof”. Not only that, but the crash was so gentle that it didn’t even break any windows only a few meters from the crash hole. There was much speculation that maybe there actually was no aircraft that hit the Pentagon. The matter could have been laid to rest by viewing the recordings on the (documented) 85 different CCTV cameras in the vicinity that were all in a position to see what actually happened. But the FBI seized all of those recordings and refused to release them on the grounds that “they don’t show anything”. And there we are. There were hundreds of other problems with the total 9-11 official story.
There are many other such stories, that all fit the same template of implausibility and impossibility. The death of Osama bin Laden, KAL Flight 007, China’s Pork Speculators, Automobile Remote Control, Anatomy of a Yemen Bomb Scare, and the stories of these individuals: Jeremy Hammond, Steve Kangas, Gary Webb, Phillip Marshall, Pat Tillman, Karen Silkwood, Michael Hastings. I have published articles dealing with all these and more: False Flags and Conspiracy Theories, and Police State America – Volume 2; go to Chapter 3 – Dealing With Dissidents
贫穷且备受困扰的阴谋论者 — The Poor, Beleaguered Conspiracy Theorist
But what are we to do, with official stories like this? We are at least 95% certain the stories cannot be true, that our governments and media are lying to us, but how do we deal with it? Are we really “conspiracy theorists” if we cannot believe the stories we are told? Are we really deranged, or unstable? Are we delusional?
No. The fact that we have these serious doubts, and can articulate them, means that we are rational human beings and are still able to use our brains as we should. It is not ourselves that we should doubt. The real problem is that we have a sincere conviction that our leaders, while they are almost certainly corrupt, dishonest and self-serving, are not evil. We are convinced that most others, like ourselves, are basically “good”, and that nobody except the most depraved and ruthless dictator would deliberately extinguish innocent lives for the sake of achieving a political advantage.
We simply cannot bring ourselves to accept that our Western “democratic” leaders, our police, military and espionage agencies would conspire in horrific ways killing dozens, thousands, or even millions of innocent civilians for the sake of achieving political or financial control (Think of Iraq). We cannot easily accept that our government, media, and medical community lied to us about COVID and the forced “vaccinations”, as another kind of example.
This is where we go wrong. Our sincere conviction is not only misguided but deluded. Yes, our leaders would willingly sacrifice innocent lives for a political objective. They do it all the time, trusting in our delusion of their morality and in our reluctance to disbelieve ‘the big lie’, to protect them and to keep us ignorant. The evidence of this is everywhere. We need only look.
So, what do we do? The first thing is to be honest with ourselves. Do you harbor any doubts about any part of the official COVID narrative? Do you find yourself disbelieving any part of the official story of the invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, or the travesties being perpetrated in Palestine? Do you doubt any portion of your history book? Do you have serious and sincere objections to some of the enormous social and sexual changes being forced onto you? If yes, you are – by definition – a conspiracy theorist. And this realization should help you to recognize that this isn’t a bad thing. You have doubts because you are still a rational human being who still has control of your faculties and your mind is functioning as it was meant to function. You are normal. It is the believers who are deluded.
We should not permit ourselves to cringe in fear at these accusations. Think of the adage that “For evil to succeed, it is necessary only that good men do nothing”. When we have justified doubts about our government leaders, our media, our teachers, medical professionals and others, we need to speak out and be heard. We needn’t be so vocal as to make ourselves public targets, but equally we should not be silent.
And indeed, we cannot afford to be silent. Today, if you are in a Western country, your government leaders want a third World War. If you listen to the rhetoric, you can have no doubt. The war drums are beating everywhere. What about you? Do you think World War Three is a good idea? If not, and if you remain silent, you will be responsible for it when it happens. And it will happen; make no mistake. Your leaders will tell you they don’t want a war, but they are making all the international provocations to cause one. You may be derided as a conspiracy theorist if you speak out against it, but so what?
So many evil events and agendas could have been exposed and the perpetrators brought to justice, if only a few more “conspiracy theorists” had spoken out. So many bad things, including wars, could have been prevented, if only a few more “conspiracy theorists” had spoken out. The genocide occurring today in Palestine would have been stopped long ago, if only a few more “conspiracy theorists” had spoken out.
The choice is yours.
Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 34 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).
His full archive can be seen at
https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/
He can be contacted at:
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Democracy – The Most Dangerous Religion
Police State America Volume One
NATIONS BUILT ON LIES — VOLUME 2 — Life in a Failed State
NATIONS BUILT ON LIES — VOLUME 3 — The Branding of America
False Flags and Conspiracy Theories
Police State America Volume Two